Last week... the first thing I noticed about the shooting of the insurance executive was the odd red herrings left in his/her/its wake. Then I noticed the... most convenient... accidentally on purpose... facial features photo-op, and then I noticed the features and... I heard 'mask' in my mind... quite distinctly. There's some kind of a put-up job going on here.
Then... out of nowhere comes this Israeli-owned and operated... rebel army in Syria. Where before such a thing was not possible, now it was a juggernaut, and unstoppable. Then I saw a hatchet job by Breitbart Mossad agent Pollard... seething with the toxic narrative about how Assad was a brutal dictator and gassed his own people... yadda yadda. When The AshkeNAZI Media doesn't like someone, they make sure you know about it... even if the crimes that person is accused of were actually planned and carried out by the owners of the people reporting on them.
Where was Russia? Pollard said that after losing 600,000 men in the Ukraine conflict, Russia was not equipped to respond; what!!! Russia hasn't even lost a hundred thousand men. Pollard switched the numbers. Ukraine has lost that many, and possibly more; the plot sickens.
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