Woke is a disease, like alcoholism and drug addiction, but it is more dangerous because you can recover from the other two, but woke is a patterned regressing, a series of incremental degenerative changes... that will eventually take you back to the place... where the creatures who first emerged from the water to live on the land... began to do so. It's a little awkward at first, BUT... you've been there before and it's kinda like having a script this time; which will come in handy when you advance to the state of reading and writing again... somewhere in the remote future.
Woke is very much like MS. MS is a mysterious and shadowy malady that attacks the nervous system through the spine. It can roll along for years... not getting better and not getting worse, and then suddenly getting much worse... seemingly overnight. Woke is exactly the same thing but... it attacks The Mind, and herein is the differential between the two afflictions. Woke is a disease of The Mind and the medical practitioners who operate in the area that deals with problems in The Mind... are the least equipped and capable of doing so because they know next to nothing about how The Mind really operates or even what it is.
If it were the brain then you might say there were definite parallels. However, it is not so. The Mind can and does operate through the brain, but it can also be operated independent of it. I'm not going to go any further with this because my understanding of The Mind is based on metaphysics... the understanding of which... divides the subject into two separate camps. Let me say... in this regard, and it is as close as I can get; Heraclitus weeps and Democritus laughs. Heraclitus weeps and Democritus laughs.
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