For some time now, I've been trying to illustrate an observable phenomenon; that of two currents running in different directions. There are masses of humanity on each of these currents. One of them is guided by material signposts and the other is guided by spiritual signposts. Some of the spiritual signposts are actually material signposts. All of the material signposts are materially directed.
There are smart and stupid people in both of these currents because intelligence has nothing to do with insight. Often it is the case that a simple mind can see more easily into the heart of a matter than can a complex intellect. Studies have shown that simple people are... as a rule... happier than more complex folk. They are not burdened down by so many weighty thoughts.
I don't want to say that the people on one current are going to Hell and the people on the other current are going to Heaven, especially given that both of these locations are actually states of mind. This you find out fairly quickly once you no longer have the body anchor holding you... here. I will say that people on the one current are more balanced than the people on the other current.
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