All over the world, there has been growing apprehension on the trend of current world events. So much has happened and continues to happen that baffle the intellectuals and drive the simple to increased search for spiritual answers. These happenings are not only limited to natural and man-made disasters, they also include the growing uneasiness towards world economic drift, which directly or indirectly result in desperate political moves both by individuals, families right up to various administrative units and countries. The world is witnessing an unprecedented struggle for power in all its bestiality. The era of the talkers, which was at its peak during the era of the cold war, where floods of books and orations threaten to deaden the human intuitive faculty, is gradually giving way to struggle for power. Even democracy, which initially places the power on the shoulders of the people regardless on whether the people’s will tallies with the will of the All Holiest, is gradually collapsing all over the world, with a few people hijacking the paraphernalia of power without the people’s consent, and making no secret of their disdain for the people’s opinion. Even our own political situation shows this clearly.
The past decades have shown an unprecedented increase in the number of earthquakes with high level of casualties. Asia and Middle East have had a good share of these earthquakes. Europe, especially France and Spain have had destructive wild fires destroying long stretches of conservation areas. The Americans have not fared less in this respect. It is estimated that the economic cost of these destruction and the reconstruction work associated with it places a heavy financial strain on international organizations and threaten the economy of weaker nations involved. This coupled with the cost of prosecuting wars. The Middle East and the imperial wars of the United States for example could further put a wage between the haves and have nots. The result is the increased agitation of the Labor Unions for more benefits to cushion inflation and government looking for more money through taxes to run the affairs of state.