"The Bigger The Limos... The Bigger The Assholes Sitting or Lying in Them, and The Same Goes for The Funerals as Well."
They are hammering the big drums of Hell. Preparations are being made for special guests... long awaited. Elaborate ceremonies are in the planning stage. There are waves of excitement in the fetid and fiery air of The Pit.
Back on Earth... the preliminaries have been set in motion. Funeral arrangements are made way in advance for The Big Ticket Items, and... as we have been fond of saying at Petri Dish, Lo! These many years; the bigger the limousines... the bigger the assholes sitting or lying in them, and the same goes for the funerals as well.
The reviews for Satanyahu's hospital visit are mixed. When THEY say it was only routine and everything was fine, you can be sure they are lying. When they tell you they had to remove a prostate due to a urinary infection... you can be certain there is more to it. The man without a heart is on his way out. Well... one might say we are all on our way out. I tend to say that it is just another stage of The Old In and Out... as it applies to the enduring courtship between Life and Death; two of the biggest players in La Grande Illusion.