I feel like Haley Joel Osment running through a dark home with a flashlight screaming, I see retarded people! I see retarded people! It's not only clinically retarded people, but a combination of the untutored and illiterate... the slow and stupid... the clueless and uninformed... the backward... the culturally limited, and... so on, That was the real purpose of DEI... to specifically hire people who don't know what's going on and who believe what you tell them.
I worked as a property manager for a few years on Maui. I had an office staff of several ladies. One worked the front desk. I can't remember what exactly these other ladies did. One of them was not very bright, well... let's be honest... none of them were. I told this story some years ago but it is relevant to the points I will make today.
I had plenty of free time because I have an organized mind and the tests say I have been pretty smart since early on. I realized that you hire the right people and set them in motion to do what needs to be done, then you play PR with the people who come and go, and... you wind up with plenty of free time. I did not hire these women. I hired all the other people. The women came with the job. Hmm... that sounds a tad salacious.
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