In case you have been asleep for the last five years or somehow managed to not buy any groceries, you should know that the price of groceries has quadrupled over as many years. For the rest of us feeding our families, we are intimately aware of how much more we have had to pay for groceries in recent years. It has gotten so bad that many families that used to be able to purchase roughly a shopping cart of groceries for $100 now are paying upwards of $400 dollars for less food of less quality. Coupled with high prices of gas and energy, most of us have experienced a large net loss of our purchasing power as our disposable income has all but vanished. Of course this directly contradicts the Biden administration assertions that there has been little to no inflation and economically things are better. Ask yourself this, do you actually have more disposable income than you did just a few years ago? Has your quality of life improved? Sadly, the answer is more often than not a resounding “NO” as the numbers of individuals on government assistance programs like food stamps has exploded. This article will discuss the basics on how to weather the coming food price crisis.
You must understand that our current state of decay is just the beginning as things will get much worse in the United States. For starters, California is experiencing drought that is decimating its agricultural industry as we outlined in abother article. Far worse is that our government is moving closer and closer to a totalitarian state run by left leaning Marxists heavily influenced by global bankers and corporate elites that care nothing for you and are only focused on increasing their power, wealth, and control over you. Add to this the fact the Federal Reserve continues to counterfeit over a trillion dollars a year and then bills you, the taxpayer, for the created debt even as you suffer from the very real devaluation of the dollar because of the Federal Reserve’s engineered inflationary measures. These few issues are by no means all inclusive, but illustrate some of the major drivers pushing costs higher and higher as your wages and real earnings are decimated. These government programs will only intensify as higher taxes, fees, and penalties are lumped on by local, state, and federal governments to offset their rising operating costs, which rob you of any remaining disposable income. Thus, it begs the question that many are asking…. “How will I be able to feed my family and still pay my bills?”