I have mentioned... many times... how The Avatar sweeps clean the planes above this one, and forces the dark entities outward into The Material Plane where they are dealt with. Surely you have noticed the massive increase in The Insane... over recent decades?
When you factor in The Gender Bender Crazy... and the vast sea of other sexually distorted personalities... along with the murderous religious fundamentalists... The Climate Crazies... The Social Justice Unhinged... The Politically imbalanced... The Racially Charged Psychos... The Drug and Alcohol Deranged, and... no doubt; I am leaving many of them out. It can easily be presumed that their numbers run into the tens of millions... if not hundreds of millions.
These are all hijacked physical vehicles that were occupied by these evicted entities. Well, you might ask; where does The Avatar get off with causing all this mayhem? Good question. Well... the truth is that they were already influencing existence from the less visible planes and it's harder to eliminate what you can't see. When it becomes manifest certain forces go automatically into play. Existence and Time shape things the way the wind shapes sandstone, and the water shapes rock. It is a matter of controlling Evil by turning it into Good. When the planes of the heart and mind are cleaned out, what appears here, ONCE THE WATER RUNS CLEAR... is clear water taking temporary forms. This is simplistic, yes?
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