Document for Change #4
Open Letter to Barron Trump
Re: Laying the Foundation for the Golden Age
Dear Barron;
In my role as a Lightworker and Spiritual Elder I felt inspired to contact you with a message through the means of an Open Letter. In other words, the message speaks to your entire generation, for you all have come forth as the ones to lay the foundation for the Golden Age. Your time is now.
Here are the categories of my Open Letter:
== Introducing myself
== Where we stand right now
== Addressing the Gentle Giants
== Our present reality in the “school of hard knocks”
== “Walls and Wars – Overcoming the Instincts of Hive Consciousness”
== Wetiko - our global psychosis
== The USA, a country of violence
== “Ubuntu-Contributionism – A Blueprint for Human Prosperity”
== Where to go from here
== Conclusion
Introducing myself
Hi, my name is Karin Lacy. I am a senior (78), presently living in Eugene, Oregon.
I am a Lightworker of the First Wave; I was born right after World War II in East Germany, under the worst conditions. I am on a path of self-mastery, meaning I am deliberately reaching for my highest potential in this lifetime; physically, mentally, spiritually.
As a foreigner I have the advantage that I experienced three different political systems of power and control throughout my life so far:
I was born and educated in the totalitarian German Democratic Republic.
At age 27 I managed to escape from the German Democratic Republic over the border to West Germany, the most dominating imperialistic nation in Europe. If the East Germans had caught me I would have been prosecuted as a case of high treason. But since the escape succeeded they congratulated and rewarded me on the other side, in West Germany, with a welcome check of 150 Deutsche Mark. (smile)
Years later, at the beginning of my spiritual awakening, I received messages from Spirit that I am here to fulfill my contract of serving as a Lightworker for America on the West coast of California. Therefore, in 1991 I came as an immigrant to the U.S. which is globally seen as the superpower and bully of the world.
Soon after I began writing Open Letters in which I documented my experience as a Lightworker.
I live outside the Matrix Control System, as much as this is even possible. From the 3D point of view I do much of my work at home on my pillow, when I go to the “night shift” in my Light Body. We are millions working on and weaving the Earth’ light grid in service of creating the New Earth in the frequency range of the fifth dimension.
As Lightworkers we came as volunteers from many different home worlds in the Universe. We serve as anchors or satellite dishes for the higher cosmic energies now flooding the planet, and we reverberate these energies into the collective of humanity. We are deliberately raising the vibration of the planet through ourselves. In other words, we are living the change that we want to see in the world. Our intent is to serve as mapmakers and wayshowers for our brothers and sisters. We practice living in the moment and Joy – not Money as in the old world – is our measurement of how we are doing. Our work is our play.
I look at the world in terms of energy, for everything is energy, everything is vibrating at a frequency rate. The higher the frequency I can hold and maintain in my body, the higher the realms of consciousness I may attain. Presently living as a Fruitarian/RawVegan suits me best in holding the vibration of fifth density, even though the price I pay is “living as a stranger in a strange world.”
For more information about me please visit my website KarinLLightworkerdotcom
Where we stand right now
I would like to briefly share and summarize the situation on Earth from my individual Lightworker perspective. Please, only take what resonates with you and leave the rest.
Within the global spiritual community we have been waiting for decades for what is now unfolding, not just in our country, but on a global level. Many of us were expecting the Shift of the Ages to happen on December 21st of 2012, marked as the end of the Mayan calendar. Meanwhile, twelve more years of humanity’s struggle for survival on planet Earth have passed. We have been leaving behind the era known as the Piscean Age or Dark Age. We are already 25 years into the new millennium, the new cycle known as the Aquarian Age that has been prophesied as the Golden Age of Peace and Community Building.
Our civilization exists in a state of Amnesia. From our greater perspective as the human family we all agreed to play a game of hide and seek on planet Earth, so to speak. We are wearing blindfolds, thus we forgot that we are vast, magnificent beings, and that only a tiny fractal of who we each are descended into this world of third density.
Humanity has been kept in darkness for thousands of years. Our world is based on deception, lies, and manipulation. We are not on top of the food chain!
Many people are completely oblivious to what is going on in the world. Others are perceiving life at our present time as a living nightmare. In the years ahead we could see even more upheaval, disaster, and chaos for the necessary breakdown of the old calcified structures. This shifting process requires us to let go of the old that does not serve us any longer and instead embrace a higher perception of reality.
The galactic parasites known as archons claim that they have been in existence before the human race; they see themselves as superior to humans which entitles them to interfere with us. These parasitic off-worlders come under many names, such as anunnaki, reptilians, demons, djinn, satan, malevolent E.T. races, etc. In religion and legend they are known as our gods. Their intent is to keep the human race existing down at the low third density level, for that energy is their sustenance, their food. These
galactic parasites see themselves as our overlords; they are at the root of our mental and physical enslavement.
We are an experiment. We are genetically engineered; our DNA blueprint has been altered by our creator gods. It is said that our genetic makeup is of 12 different E.T. races.
We exist in a holographic illusion, or simulation, or Matrix Control System for the harvesting of our energy, called Loosh. Planet Earth is a farm. We are programmed into victim-consciousness of a slave race.
Like prison inmates we maintain our own imprisonment. The parasitic off-worlders keep us down at the low 3D level of existence in order to feed off of the slave emotions that we emanate, such as fear, anger, hate, unworthiness, powerlessness, etc. We are wearing the Veil of Amnesia, which is alien technology, to keep us asleep.
The benevolent galactic races who interact with some humans, call Earth a prison planet; they refer to life on Earth as “hell”. The energy fence around our planet is to keep us in quarantine, separated from the Star Nations. We are programmed to believe that we on Earth are the only life in the whole Cosmos.
We have been partially disconnected from Source; we function with less than five percent of our capacity; we run on one double strand of DNA, with the rest laid dormant, the so-called junk DNA. Our all-seeing third eye, the pineal gland, has been in part deactivated, and our innate ability of telepathy laid dormant. As our creator gods’ heritage we got the Reptilian portion in our brains. It is the Reptilian portion of our brain that makes us only think in terms of the struggle for survival of the fittest. The struggle-for-survival part overrides the creative human portion of the brain that conceives beyond daily life and guides us to our capabilities of feeling, creative expression, compassion, cooperation with others, all those traits of Love that connect us with Source.
We were designed to forget how to nurture ourselves through our connection with Source or Father/Mother/God. As a result we developed into a parasitic civilization. A dog-eats-dog world. We learned to prey and feed of each others’ energy in myriads of ways.
The galactic overlords mingled with the human race. Their human descendants call themselves a “breakaway civilization” and claim that they are of royal bloodline, thus they are entitled to rule over humanity.
We were implanted with etheric microchips when we entered the Earth incarnation cycle. Our paradigm of existence is founded on a small set of self-perpetuating thought-forms within the framework of birth and death; it keeps us humans locked in the density of the third dimension, bound to the Wheel of
Karma, lifetime after lifetime.
Our global ruling elite – those in the limelight and those behind the curtain – are being controlled as well by the inter-dimensional archons who think they own planet Earth. They control all of humanity’s endeavors. They are the handlers of the global elite, cabal, illuminati, shadow governments, or “deep state”. These overlords direct our worldly leaders like puppets toward where wars be waged, what diseases are being spread, what inventions are being allowed, which governments, religions and ideologies dominate the world, which currencies are used, and where the money goes.
The global elite are the prototypes of “service to self” in contrary to “service to others”. From a psychological viewpoint they are considered “Psychopaths”. Their hunger for personal power dominates their personality traits, yet theirs is about power without responsibility. They lack the ability of empathy and compassion for their fellow man and for life. They are tyrants by nature. They are the ones in the history books.
Our world is based on authoritarian control through domination and fear conditioning. The global elite control us through their instruments of banking, governments, corporations, religion, education, healthcare system, and the Military Industrial Complex. This so-called 1% ruling elite has millions of executives enforcing our system of predatory control over billions. We, the 99%, are the billions of human prey. We are their sheeple.
In truth our leaders and controllers act as mis-leaders. Their methods are manipulation, fear programming, deception, lying, violence, etc., while making the sheeple believe that their leaders are the noblest of all human beings, in their service to all.
All political systems are variations of the global narrative of ‘Domination and Control’. All have in common that the people are programmed to fear their government and its authorities, down to the micro-managing level.
Addressing the Gentle Giants
Decades ago it was announced in the global spiritual community that after the New Millennium a particular cluster of Indigo Children would emerge, and that they would worldwide become known as “The Gentle Giants”.
Yes, the timing is right for people like you, Barron, to fully step into your empowerment and claim your leadership roles within the youth generation. Who knows, maybe you intended to demonstrate your mission with your size as a Gentle Giant, for all to see.
Barron, are you aware of what an incredible position of power and influence you hold? Born with a silver spoon in your mouth, so to speak, you can pursue any conceivable goal for your lifetime, from spending your wealth as a playboy and having just fun or focus on becoming an ‘expert’ in whatever area attracts you. You can create a glorious life and fulfill your wildest dreams. After all, you have the world laying at your feet, with doors opening wherever you go and with enormous financial resources at your disposal, to fulfill any dream possible.
Or, you even could choose to focus your life force energy upon uplifting all of mankind towards their next level of evolution. If you would deliberately tap into this gargantuan potential, millions of young people of your generation would want to join the Gentle Giants and participate as Architects in laying the foundation for the Golden Age on Earth.
I listened on youtube to the songs of your music albums. After reading the lyrics there is no doubt that you are on a mission for the betterment of the world. And I love how your voice transmits the great purity of your heart. It is my perception that with your debut music album you announced your readiness to serve as the leader of the Gentle Giants.
Dear Barron, in my role as a Lightworker and Spiritual Elder I’d like to give you some nudges toward information that could serve as shortcuts for your journey ahead. But I’m addressing not just you; my admiration goes out to all those of your generation who want to be part of the Gentle Giants and start manifesting Heaven on Earth.
I learned that your Generation Z refers to people born between 1996 and 2010. You are the second-youngest generation, with Millennials coming before and Generation Alpha after. Gen Z identity has been shaped by the digital age, climate anxiety, a shifting financial landscape, and COVID-19. They’re known as ‘digital natives’—the first generation to grow up with the Internet.
However, I want to include here the Millennials and Generation Alpha. In my perception you all make up the global youth generation. I learned about the many wonderful traits you youngsters embody, for example that many of you think about the fate of the planet on a daily basis. You are also known for your idealism as socially progressive dreamers and that you demand from society purpose and accountability, sustainability and green practices. You are more interested in belonging to an inclusive, supportive community. Also, you are more individualistic, with a stronger sense of personal expression and you are more politically and socially active. These are all indications of the level of awakeness of your generation.
What I am sharing here is written mostly for you youngsters, for you inherit the Earth. Your generation came forth at this time of the Shift of the Ages to serve as the Architects of the Golden Age.
Simultaneously, your parents’ and grandparents’ job is to dismantle the old disintegrating world. No stone must be left unturned, until the cleansing and purification is complete.
As we all transition through the Shift of the Ages, it will bring the necessary upgrading of consciousness to re-balance the energies on Earth. While standing at the crossroads it would serve us all well to question everything, while taking inventory about what of the Old World is worth taking with us for the new beginning.
Many of you youngsters are already able to look through the facades of the world and you do not intend to get a foot into the door of your parents/grandparents/greatgrandparents’ reality. The generation gap that goes through all classes of the population is so huge in our present time, because you young ones have an innate knowing that society’s rules and roles do not apply to you. As more youngsters awaken they will want intentionally set the tone for new ways of living as awakened humans on Earth.
The young generation is born with a heightened sensitivity to the energies around them. They naturally can read people’s vibrations without being aware that they are telepathically gifted, that they are empaths. In other words, the new children are of a much higher vibration than their parents and grandparents’ generation. The non-physical teacher Abraham-Hicks says that the new children are being born with a “wanting power for life” about 200 times stronger than that of the former two generations.
It is a misunderstanding that we adults think the kids have to follow into our footsteps and therefore be molded into the standards that we have established. Our young ones have an innate knowing that to repeat our historical ways for another generation is futil and that our old set of rules or framework of existence is outdated.
It is my perception that you youngsters are especially receptive when it comes to lying, deceiving, cheating and all the common varieties of dishonesty in our society that we are practicing so well in order to honor each other’s illusions.
The next coming wave of humans, named by Lightworkers the “Children of crystal vibration” will have their psychic antennas fully functioning as the standard attribute of the new human. By then the Akashic Records Library will be accessible by everybody. Because our telepathic abilities have been laid dormant by our creator gods, we developed our hi-technology with countless gadgets as crutches for our missing telepathy. Nowadays I see many addicted to holding a cell phone in front of their face.
Dear Barron, to you and your peers all over the world, let me remind you: The truth is that we all are Majestic Divine Beings, with only a fractal of us playing “life experience on planet Earth with our blindfolds on.” That is why the passing era has been rightfully called the Dark Age. We all wanted to
experience what a world of limitation is like, not knowing who we are, where we came from, and where we are going. We are now entering the era of the Golden Age, where we take our blindfolds off and see…
Dear Barron, I watched on youtube that you enrolled as a University student in New York City. Please keep in mind that Universities are bastions of the global elite; they were established for the conditioning of the next generation.
Let me remind you - and all of your fellow students - that there also exists the “University of the Unseen”, which simply is a metaphor for the exploration of ones own inner world.
The cultivation of ones own spirituality is not being taught or even encouraged within the framework of academics. And yet, once you consciously and deliberately commit yourself to your self-discovery, you sooner or later become aware that you are the writer, producer, and actor of your own movie or drama. It means that you create your own reality with your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions, moment by moment. At this stage of self-realization life gets more magical every day as you discover your true power as a Divine Creator on Earth.
Within the realm of the University of the Unseen you establish communication lines with your Inner Being, which is the non-physical, all-knowing God-like part of you and which you will come to choose as the only authority upon your life’s journey. And consider this, as a student of the University of the Unseen you grade yourself - if it pleases you - with a “Master’s Degree in Divinity”.
What makes you, Barron, so unique is that you have elevated yourself – despite of your young age – into a leadership position of great influence and advancement. Please notice the many opportunities around you where you could deliberately step into the role of the child and play out a case of “The Emperor’s new clothes”, for the surprise and delight of the whole world.
Let me share with you youngsters this old story, serving as a metaphor to trigger awakening like no other at this time. It is the fable by Hans Christian Andersen, “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, in which two crooks fool the emperor to play a new game by wearing ‘invisible clothes’, while stealing his gold. A child steps into the role of the spell-breaker and enlightens the crowd that the emperor is parading naked.
This classic fable tells how we all honor each other’s illusions.
Now is the time for a child to appear in every crowd, and to stir up mass consciousness and ignite a wake-up jolt for the slumbering minds. The child simply speaks out what everybody knew all along. For once we articulate the problem, the game is over. We are no longer a match and our mind is no longer conditioned for a dominator society. Once the quantum shock is over, all relax into a new way of looking at the world; a new paradigm of existence is born. No war is necessary for a changeover! This is the magical power of the child as the SystemsBuster!
The moral of this fable is that the child is not powerless at all; indeed it is the innocent child that plays the awakener of the many. You youngsters are a generation with a tremendous mission: to lay the foundation for the Golden Age. You will lead by living as examples for the many.
May you each and all embody the “child as the awakener.”
I believe we can only succeed in manifesting Heaven on Earth if we initiate a Renaissance for the adoration of the children. We must see them with an expanded view, not only in our personal lives as parents and grandparents/greatgrandparents, but also globally within our present decade of awakening and reorientation. The truth about our youngsters is that – once fully awakened – they will become known as the Generation of the Gentle Giants. It is time that we parents, teachers, and grandparents recognize who the new children on Earth are and encourage them to step in their roles as the Architects of the Golden Age on Earth.
We are now living in this time where ‘all shall awaken’. As an explorer race we have come far indeed. The Earth has been mapped, cities and nations built. We have acquired a highly evolved technology and are exploring outer space. Over the last twenty years – through the gift of the Internet – the human family has become a global village where information can be spread around the globe instantly. Obviously, the era of discovering our planet Earth required a human species with a frontier spirit, that is, with male attributes such as aggression, assertion, physical strength, and a desire for conquering. Subsequently, the cultures of our civilization evolved as systems of patriarchy, and our history is the story of change through violence and war.
It is only now that the Divine Feminine comes back into balance on Earth; her return will bring the gift of spiritual enhancement for the entire human family. The ongoing influx of female energy will lead us into the era of Peace and Community Building. Instead of “Brotherhood of Man” we are speaking of reaching Unity Consciousness, for we know in our hearts that we are all One.
Our present reality in the “School of Hard Knocks”
Most governments are overshadowed by negative alien races. The government officials have been compromised with mind-control technology and now run the shadow governments as puppets under alien control.
There is a war going on below our feet and above our heads, yet people have no clue. There are galactic forces of good and evil fighting for the control of planet Earth and humanity.
We are now living in Orwell’s horror world of “1984”. Some call the new government laws “Orwellian Laws”. Privacy, as we have known it, is no more. By now the masses are fully controlled with high-tech thought-police through implementation of alien Artificial Intelligence in all areas of life. The physical micro-chipping of humans has begun. The alien rulers of humanity strive to design robotic humans, or zombies, that are easy to herd into hive-mind mentality. They engineer and manipulate timelines, causing massive confusion for humanity. It shows up as an upside-down world that drives people crazy.
Career politicians as well as aspirants in other areas of high ranking positions in government, banking, media, religion, corporations, military, entertainment, etc. are watched by the global elite and selected and groomed for promotion in climbing up the pyramid of power and control.
The most common method is to trap those aspiring power players into sexual actions with children. The government spy organizations secretly film the criminal actions with children, involving also hard drugs. The footage is then being used as a blackmailing tool to force career politicians into compliance. This is how corruption is being established and satanism spread.
Over the last years the whistleblowers have been exposing the international secret pedophile rings. They are worldwide organized crimes of human sex trafficking (in particular children) and Adrenochrome drug trade, especially for the global elite and their minions.
Viewed from the overview perspective the reptilians are especially active in planting sexual perversions into human minds; the entire pornography industry is their creation and feeding ground; they also infiltrate the military, the church institutions and education system.
The psychopaths in the highest positions of global power and control consider mind control to be the ultimate weapon – that of generating mass obedience.
The present War on the American people is being fought on many fronts, not just with court rulings and legislation, but also with surveillance cameras, with bullets and tasers, with fear-mongering and propaganda, and a corrupt police force to intimidate and keep the people in fear.
The majority of the American people have been changed from people into sheeple, they are acclimated to a world in which government corruption is the norm. Life is not fair, they are being told.
Since we as a slave race descended into victim-consciousness we have allowed our leaders and controllers to create an ever deepening and strengthening illusion of separation. We have been forced into a misdirection.
It is only now that we have reached the historic moment of critical mass toward our awakening. It requires complete letting go of the old ways of living life and embracing a higher paradigm of existence. In order to make that shift many people will need to be shaken to their core with a wake-up call, meaning a jolt from the sleep state into the wake state.
The world as we know it is ending, and a new reality is being born.
However, there are also those humans who are physically incapable of making the leap into higher consciousness. Their hearts are unreachable. They will exist in an environment that matches their resonance, and so shall we.
Back in 2012, when the Mayan calendar ended, many were expecting the Shift of the Ages to happen. The global spiritual community learned from the Pleiadian messenger, a man by the code name “Cobra”, that there exists an “Underground Resistance Movement for the Liberation of Planet Earth and Humanity.” They live underground in the Inner Earth, in particular in the Agarthan Network. Some are humanoid aliens. There is also the surface Resistance Movement, known as The Alliance and White Hats. It’s secret members are people in governments, the positive military, and other key positions of society. Some of them are human-looking hybrids, who live among us.
Back then we learned from the Resistance Movement that there were 30,000 to 40,000 sealed indictments of the most influential criminals in high positions of power and control. Just recently it was announced that the number of sealed indictments now lies by 500,000.
When it comes to the tribunals many of these criminals will recognize that we are now entering a new era, and they will be seeking their own redemption by helping build a world of higher consciousness. In other words, a criminal of the old 3D world would be given the opportunity to choose between life-in-prison or getting a chance to contribute their talents and gifts by serving in a community project.
We must accept these dark souls who lost their humanity and show them the path back. From the overview perspective they too are victims in this world of duality that has enslaved us all and disconnected us from Source.
Yet only those souls that can awaken within the dream and attain higher levels of consciousness will graduate to the next level — a new and transformed version of Earth, the New Earth of 5D, where Unconditional Love permeates everything. This higher level of existence requires living from the Heart and being connected to Source.
The new planet Earth is being created by those who are able to raise their vibration to the fifth dimensional level. After the long age of darkness on Earth we will be living as heart-centered humans, practicing Unity Consciousness in alignment with our Earth Mother Gaia. The emerging new societies and cultures will be the opposite of what we are living now.
“Walls and Wars – Overcoming the Instincts of Hive Consciousness”
In 2018 I read an article called “Walls and Wars – Overcoming the Instincts of Hive Consciousness”, by Ethan Indigo Smith. What an excellent nugget of information! For months I couldn’t stop thinking of this article. I found it could turn out to be the major missing piece of the puzzle to change the world.
Dear Barron, dear Gentle Giants! This story is not satire, instead it is a true eye-opener. It may trigger sudden awakenings and shifts in consciousness, that may happen like a domino effect for you youngsters. Here is a brief excerpt of Ethan Indigo Smith’ article from 2018:
Ants are the only animal in the world that humanity can be accurately compared with, so much so that perhaps mankind was influenced by antkind more than any other being. Humans and ants are farmers, warriors, harvesters, thieves and enslavers alike. No other animal behaves like man, except ants, and no other being is as warmongering.
The Hopi creation story of this world begins as the last world was ending in an unspecified calamity. A few people — our ancestors — were taken underground, saved by ant people who taught us how to survive, how to grow food and hide from disaster. Eventually people returned above ground and were told to walk the four directions of the Earth, and to reunite.
The harvesting, farming, raising of livestock, enslavement, and war organization that is common between antkind and mankind make us remarkably similar. But perhaps of all our shared traits, the most detrimental similarity is the fact that antkind and mankind both build walls. Perhaps the fact that we build walls is actually the most markedly similar characteristic between us, preceding all other similarities.
Walls create confrontation. Walls are perimeters, borders, where war is readied and armament is installed. It’s where those who are not enough like us live, on the other side of the wall. But walls also create a contradiction: they make people want to get through them in case there is something worthy behind the wall — something we don’t have but which those who are not enough like us may have.
Walls have been getting in the way of the development of our collective mentality for millennia. Walls make us more like ants than farming or harvesting or raising livestock ever could. Walls build up the infrastructure that maintains war, false pride, and the border-mind state of war.
We also build societal and spiritual walls and encase individuals and whole regions in binds. The mental and spiritual binds and encasements we are surrounded by entrap us just as walls do. And just like ants we believe the walls are protecting us when in fact they are perpetuating the mind state of war. We live encased in spiritual and mental walls we built around ourselves through institutionalization. We are walled in by experiences, by layers of ego armor and a culture of separation in a post-modern society.
We humans have walked the four directions of separateness. Let us return to the circle of oneness, share what we have learned, and create the great human civilization the Hopi prophesied. Let us cease cooperation with systems, institutions and colonialist governments which, on thoughtful questioning, prove to be based on the impulses of the lower mind — the hive consciousness.
As the human civilization we cannot continue our journey on starship Earth while living in hive mind consciousness. Even though we are biologically animals we are not bound to behave like antkind. As mankind we have been given stewardship of our home planet Earth by Prime Creator. We have come far in our evolution. We are proud of our accomplishments as the human race, yet our minds still operate at the same level as antkind.
How did we end up functioning in ant behavior? Who led us down a path of destruction instead of co-creation? Ants are not our role models. We are divine multidimensional beings, with only a fractal of our vastness anchored here in our physical vessels in a world of duality. It’s time we smarten up, Godlings!
We can conclude by observing antkind that violence and war are at their root a biological impulse of self-preservation. And yet mankind discusses war in terms of tradition and history. Our global rulers present a wide range of reasoning for killing each other en masse, justifying war and genocide in the name of politics, money, religion, power, protecting our way of life, resources, etc.
As evolved beings we humans are able to surpass and overcome the biological impulse of killing by thinking as free-willed individuals, not as mindless drones in institutionalized societal collectives. We have self-awareness and the ability to make choices beyond our biological programming. (End of quotation.)
Dear Barron and all you youngsters out there; Please read the whole article by Ethan Indigo Smith on Wakeup-worlddotcom,“Walls and Wars – Overcoming the Instincts of Hive Consciousness”.
You may want to ask Ethan Indigo Smith to assist you all in spreading this very important article, this missing piece of the puzzle, around the world to awaken the rest of the people.
Wetiko – our Collective Psychosis
Dear Barron and all you youngsters, far and wide. It would serve you all well to study Wetiko, our collective psychosis. Many wonder what has gone wrong on Earth. I hear words like ‘insane’ and ‘crazy’ everywhere.
Well, one explanation of what happened is that we as a civilization got infected with a mental disease or implanted meme, known by indigenous people as “Wetiko”. Wetiko could be perceived as a civilization with cancer, destroying itself. Wetiko is the work of Archons, the unseen manipulators of our collective reality who want to suppress humanity’s awakening at all cost.
And yet, not all is lost. By looking at it with true sincerity, Wetiko, the collective psychopathic
disorder, can be healed.
There is only one solution to counter the darkness on Earth – to raise our vibratory rate out of the 3rd level density and up into the fifth dimension, individually and collectively.
Paul Levy, the author of several books about Wetiko, says, the evil is to be found within our psyche.
The evil represents the unhealed Self. Thinking the problem is outside actually IS the mind virus. Nothing is what it seems. We are in a mental health crisis like America has never seen.
There are going a lot of difficult truths to face that many will not believe at first. And yet, the skeletons in our collective closet must be brought into the light, for all to face.
Duality teaches us the lessons of good and evil.
I have not read Paul Levy’s books about Wetiko, but I watched all of his lectures and interviews on youtube.
It would behoove you, Barron and all of your peers, to study and learn everything about Wetiko and start initiating the global healing process of mankind. Our world would need a billion healers.
Please, may you ask Paul Levy to serve your generation as your teacher and guide in this endeavor.
From our God-Self perspective we ended the era of the Dark Age and are now in the dawning hour of the Golden Age or Aquarian Age. The two will coexist for awhile, until the purging of the Dark is accomplished. This Shift of the Ages that is happening right now is a monumental undertaking, a transformation as profound as that from chrysalis to butterfly. A complete overhaul of society is necessary. The people have to participate in their liberation.
And this is not just the collapsing of a country; it is the collapse of the entire Matrix Control System that goes back thousands of years. We are going to create a new vibrational reality where Natural Law governs human behavior. Until we as the human collective can consider joining our galactic brethren, the Star Nations, we first must deprogram all adopted antkind behavior and instead begin to live in accordance with the Galactic Codex.
You Gentle Giants must enlighten the people that we were led astray to believe and act like antkind.
You must tell the whole world that the politics of war is at the base thinking of less evolved life, like that of antkind. You in your innocence and freshness must remind everybody that we as mankind can choose to open our hearts and minds and elevate our beingness into a higher state, that of Christ Consciousness.
The USA, a Country of Violence
A gun is a frozen symbol of fear; a gun is a tool for killing.
The American gun culture serves many purposes; it keeps the Paradigm of Separation in place. It determines much of the American Way of Life. The gun culture implies a belief in enemy thinking, under male domination. However, the leaders and controllers of the people determine who the enemy is. The barbaric gun culture keeps the people asleep in their amnesia. Also, people have no awareness of how much the gun culture permeates their thinking and language. In 1991, when I came from Germany to America, recognizing the gun culture was my first culture shock.
The USA military has established about one thousand American military bases throughout the world to demonstrate it’s superpower. It also has hundreds of connected underground military bases that are kept secret from the world.
Of course our leaders and controllers also infiltrate and control the opposition. They initiate wars and sell weapons to both sides. They seeded the many terror organizations throughout the world and supply them with weapons and money.
The citizens’ election votes and tax dollars can be understood as the masses’ energetic approval of their leaders and controllers’ actions. Most people are so entrenched in the system, that they would fight and die to uphold the very prison in which they exist.
Increasingly, violence is America’s entertainment, for all ages. The gun culture desensitizes and numbs the people.
As said, the gun culture is at the base thinking of less evolved life, like that of antkind.
Once a person adapts the overview perspective it becomes clear that we create our own reality, and that all enemies are self-made projections. We have no right to take another human’s life. For both, perpetrator and victim, each act of killing will need to be taken in account and balanced, when the time of karmic review comes.
“Ubuntu-Contributionism – A New Blueprint for Human Prosperity”
Dear Barron and all you awakening Gentle Giants; I’d like to recommend reading “Ubuntu-Cotributionism – A New Blueprint for Human Prosperity”, published in 2013 by the great whistleblower Michael Tellinger.
After reading this book, you will look at the world in a new way. It completely changed my mind. It is basically a manual for living in the Golden Age.
Over many years I had worked on my own vision statement for a self-sustaining community and always was looking for co-creators of like mind. Over the years through Michael Tellinger’s websites and blogs I often met people interested in establishing an Ubuntu community. Alas, nothing ever came to fruition, for it takes money to create a money-less community from scratch.
I think we are millions of people all over the world who have been following Michael Tellinger’s work. We were hoping that by now Ubuntu communities would pop up everywhere. Well, many tried, but none made it. Obviously the timing hasn’t been right yet. In his book Michael Tellinger explains in detail why money is NOT part of the UBUNTU philosophy – therefore people cannot be corrupted, bribed, paid off, or paid to do something unsavory. Without money – we cannot be controlled.
Ubuntu embodies a new social structure in which everyone is absolutely free and equal. It is about Sovereign Humans choosing to unite in small communities for the greater benefit of everyone.
Over the years the whistleblowers unraveled how we all got manipulated to participate in the conversion of life into money and how broken we have become as a society to the enslavement to money.
We have been enlightened how the private central reserve banks generate money “out of thin air”. They then put interest on that money, generated from nothing, loan it to the banks and add their fees. The banks then loan it to the people and add interest. The money can never be paid back, as there is not enough money in circulation to pay back the debt.
Money is about energy harvesting and debt is a tool to keep us locked in the struggle for survival and attached to money for evermore. The whistleblowers demand change of this predatory system.
In the times ahead one of the main issues to be faced is the inequality of the Haves and Have-nots that has been social-engineered by our global rulers since the beginning of our civilization. The establishment of the pattern of rich and poor ensured to keep a society of winners and losers in place. The global elite declared money as the measure of success in our world, for the money is feeding the system. The addiction to money is the only addiction that is socially accepted. The most ruthless of the money addicts make it to the top of the social pyramid.
As a result, what have we become?! We manifested a reality characterized by greed, domination,
conflict, competition, hate, envy, violence, war, etc. We have turned into a parasitic system where milking each other for money is the meaning of life. We lost any moral and ethical sense of living by the Golden Means, as has been passed on by our ancestors. As the worst result Satanism is getting an ever greater foothold on Earth!
Ubuntu is a new society that functions without the concept of money, any form of barter or trade, or the attachment of value to material things. Everybody’s contribution to the community is treated as equally and infinitely valuable. Ubuntu is a society model in which spiritual growth of its participants through arts and culture will allow the rapid rise of consciousness to fully embrace the concept of unity.
A few years ago Michael Tellinger came up with his new strategy of transforming existing small towns into Ubuntu communities of higher consciousness, called “One Small Town Is Changing the World’. In existing towns the infrastructure is already in place. The standard of living has been established many decades ago. There are hundreds of thousands of small towns with a population of let’s say 5,000, which could transform into money-less communities. To overcome the calcified structures of power and control in a small town is one thing, but to face it’s amplifications in a large city would be a challenge of great proportions.
The ”One Small Town”- vision implies to become mayor of a small town and establish a core group.
Michael Tellinger announced that each “One Small Town”’-project will be provided with free energy technology from alternative companies who want to sponsor the Ubuntu-Contributionism movement. With free energy for the whole town the community will be taking control of the local energy grid and become energy self-sufficient.
The “One-Small-Town”- concept is a grassroots movement unlike any other. Essentially, it will lead to a makeover of society. However, the transformation of the world starts with the transformation of the individual self. As the old, disintegrating world is collapsing we must now start our projects of creating the world we want to live in. Of course each Ubuntu community is different and unique, depending on the individuals who come together as co-creators.
Dear Barron and all your peers; Know that you have the opportunity to step into a mission of becoming a mapmaker and wayshower for creating a new and better world. You may establish core groups of Gentle Giants of let’s say 5 – 7 people. Each group will decide who of them is best suited to take on the role of the mayor as the spokesperson.
The core group’s goal is creating a town without corruption by getting rid of compromised politicians, businesses and judicial/police enforcement agencies that do not live up to the moral and ethical standards set about by the people.
On my website KarinLLightworker is a category Ubuntu-Contributionism with my 3-page pamphlet “Who Wants to become Mayor of a Small Town” in which I sum up the Ubuntu-Contributionism model.
In an Ubuntu community all will agree to follow Natural Law, which simply means not to harm any other sentient kind. We don’t need authorities, police, lawyers, etc. to tell us what to think, what to do and how to behave. We live from the heart, meaning we are guided from within. We each strive to become a Sovereign on Earth.
Many of us who are by age parents, grandparents, and great grandparents will want to dedicate ourselves to serving the Generation of the Gentle Giants, for they inherit the Earth. They are the stewards of the New Earth. They were not born to continue the old ways for another round. They cannot be manipulated and brainwashed into following a government of domination and control. They cannot be forced to become the next generation of wage slaves. They know who they are and they are not willing to go to war to be sacrificed as soldiers.
For decades we are being told by the alternative media that Nesara/Gesara, the Quantum Financial System, the global redistribution of wealth that has been stolen from the people over the centuries, will make every human a billionaire. Nobody will need to work for money anymore. Money will phase out quickly and no longer be accumulated as the measure for success. Instead it will be all about finding and connecting with one’s tribe of like-minded people to help each other manifest our dreams.
Living in a community of like-minded people who are guided from their heart’s higher and unified perspective is what we envision as Heaven on Earth. It is the revolution of consciousness in action, creating a higher vibrational reality.
Dear Barron and all you Gentle Giants, make sure you don’t take on the character of a cult, a political party, or a religion. Instead, see yourselves solely as representatives of the New Earth. Maintain your purity as Gentle Giants at all times. What bonds you together is a deep desire to live in harmony with our Mother Earth and your Love for Humanity.
Dear Barron and all who want to serve as Gentle Giants on Earth; May you study Michael Tellinger’s work of Ubuntu-Contributionism. May you consider becoming a Mayor or core group member of a small town. These towns could turn into Islands of Light where people start living as Sovereigns under the guidance of the Gentle Giants. As the Gentle Giants you have the power to propel the Ubuntu movement forward.
Michael Tellinger will be ready to serve you.
Where to go from here
The teacher Michael Ellner once stated, “Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.” We are now in the midst of the chaos. And yet, it had to come to that point: the collapse of society on all levels, from the government level down to the micro-managing level in states, cities, towns, is inevitable.
The global elite designed and enforced the narrative for humanity. They run the shadow governments and world control organizations under alien control. They fight a war against the people on Earth, without the sheeple suspecting anything.
We cannot let the criminal global elite continue to force us into their New World Order of global tyranny and population reduction. It would mean total control over the hive mind, repeating human history of walls and wars.
Dear Barron and all you Gentle Giants; As you know the masses out there believe we must make America great again by restoring the old order. Yet this is not possible. The old disintegrating world is not supported by those incoming galactic energies any longer. The old world is diminishing quickly, for we have reached the completion of a galactic cycle, known as the Piscean Age or Dark Age. We have now reached the point in our evolution where our world needs a complete overhaul.
The Aquarian Age of Peace and Community Building is here for us to claim. The 21st century will mark the shift from outside exploration to inner exploration. If you change the way you look at things, the things you see change. The time to develop the divine powers latent in every human has come. You are the owner of all that you perceive.
As said, it is your parents and grandparents/greatgrandparents’ job to dismantle the world they have lived in. To do so, they first need to face a hidden world of darkness beyond our imagination, which is now being exposed.
In recent years and months the whistleblowers exposed the entertainment industry and mainstream media as centers of satanism, where pedophilia, the raping, torturing, killing and even eating of children, are practiced in the shadows. It has been going on for decades, actually throughout human history. The truth won’t be for everyone to handle. Many may end up under shock in the emergency room.
People now recognize that the current parasitic and predatory medical system has turned into the business of mining the human body for profit. The Healthcare System is infested with the “greed virus”. It operates under the umbrella of the pharmaceutical industrial complex, which also rules the food industry. And since people see their pets as family members, the veterinarian industry copies the methods of the healthcare system.
Dear Barron, back in 2016 your father, President Trump, showed tremendous courage with his promise “to drain the swamp”. Meanwhile, eight years later, these “swamp creatures” in the form of compromised humans who lost their humanity, are like cornered, dangerous animals. They know their end has come. On their way out, all they want is to start World War III to destroy as much of the world as they can.
As mentioned earlier, there exists on Earth a clandestine movement of positive people in government, military and many other sectors of society. Behind the curtain they have been preparing humanity for this present time of the Shift of the Ages, from the Dark Age to the Golden Age.
As soon as the foretold global financial collapse begins its domino effect in full force, the corrupt governments will be overthrown and the Quantum Financial Reset installed to eliminate the inequality on Earth. All the money that has been stolen from the people for thousands of years will be returned.
Our benevolent E.T. friends tell us that the arrests to remove the dark cabal must take place, for they are the obstacles to humanity’s ascension. Each of these individuals presents a roadblock to the manifestation of the New Earth. We must take our power back from our leaders and controllers by exposing them as criminals and forcing them to surrender.
This is the time of awakening from the dream. Divine energy is coming into manifestation in massive waves, awakening the global collective. We the human family must change from a slave race to becoming the divine sovereign human creators that we truly are. We must consciously exit the Holographic Matrix System. We must reverse our programming and become expansive. There is much we must un-learn and re-learn. We are free at last.
Dear Barron and all you youngsters everywhere in the world who feel called by this message.
You are so loved and so blessed! Under your guidance we will transform our struggle-for-survival attitude and let go of our heavy concepts of reality. We will change our outlook on life from victim consciousness into creator consciousness. The next 1000 years on Earth will be an era of living in the mode of celebration.
My Open Letter to you, Barron, has turned into a pamphlet for all who want to join you and the Gentle Giants. Your mission is a life path. Living as a Gentle Giant is a life path.
Yes, Barron, as you say in your song, you are born to make America great. And more than that. Gather the global youth generation, for it is you youngsters who must change the trajectory of our civilization in order to manifest the Golden Age on Earth.
The ‘Golden Age’ is not a phrase to be adopted for propaganda. Once we embody that Love is the language, the currency, and the law, we then can claim we have arrived in the 5th density, known as the Golden Age.
The great visionary Buckminster Fuller is credited with the quote, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete”. May you all focus on your mission to serve as the Architects of the Golden Age.
Dear Barron and all you Gentle Giants out there in the world!
Your time has come! Gather yourselves!
I salute you!
In service,
Dear reader; If you want to re-post my Open Letter please do so in its entirety, for it is word-smithed as a ‘homogeneous whole’. K.L