We have been mentioning Mr. Apocalypse for over a dozen years now. He might have been virtually invisible when his name first began to come up, but now? Now you see him everywhere in The Inner and The Outer World, and you see two massive armies of humanity marching in opposite directions. One of them is going through stages of awakening and the other is getting more and more robotic... chaotic... and insane. So... this latter rank has already split into 3 major tributaries of variations on a theme.
Here's what's happening behind the scenes. And THERE IS PLENTY MORE where that came from. Yes... there is resistance and the chameleon... shapeshifting muckrakers from Pluto are walking the dog in the courts where owned judges are barking on cue, BUT... alas... it will be to no avail. We can only hope The Ego Monster does not devour the standard bearer before he gets his work done. Clawing at Taylor Swift is not my idea of gravitas. To lack gravitas... at the center of power... is to doom yourself to the margins
As Mr. Apocalypse becomes more and more visible... as an animated persona... that is channeling an archetype, you begin to see that he has minions who radiate out from his being to perform specialized tasks. One set of minions is The Hooded Monks of The Apocalypse. They are like a secret order of assassins out of The Elder Days, but they do not move like mysterious Death with his scythe in the night. They bring daylight that kills what can only live in the shadows, and... they do this by banishing the shadows with light. You could... probably... also call them... The Knights of The Revelation.
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