When a certain series of changes goes into motion and... more importantly... continues in motion upon the same trajectory... then you may know that the hand of The Divine is engaged... via his principal advocates and agencies. Otherwise, it is the usual agitated bucket filled with water; slosh this way and you get a slosh thataway, and... you also get secondary and tertiary sloshes in every other direction, which should show you... if you think about it.,.. how quickly the simple can become complicated. Ergo? Don't think about it.
Any problems you have... or think you have... are your squalling and combative Children of The Mind. Some of those children have become much older and are now set in their ways, BUT... you... perhaps... are not the same persona that conceived them earlier on. They fight among themselves... these different age groups of your progeny. It was that kind of Stupid then and it's this kind of Stupid now. The Future holds out the hopes of new kinds of Stupid in the vanity of expectations that you will get some new kinds of sloshes from a bucket whose dimensions have never changed. I could say; think about it, but that's where the problem started.
Well... let us consider your options; if you can hear me over the ruckus that is going on in your head. A certain decibel range of chatter will never find its way to a consideration of what gets said here, even if you didn't hear it here, and... below a certain range of decibels... there is no need to hear or read anything here because you already got it.
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