Clif just wrote another screed against the Jews titled, “The Pharisees control your mind. They are evil f*****g c***s.” As a matter of further introduction, here are the first few sentences from this writing:
“The Pharisees are a group of evil f*****g c***ts who took over Judaism in the time of the Second Temple. Way back then. The Pharisees worship what the Cathari call the ‘demiurge’. At a more base level, the demiurge is Evil. Not incarnate though, that adds complexity. Anyway, the Pharisees want YOU to understand your REALITY as they do. They want to control your mind by shaping your understanding of your own life experience to fit their paradigm. The Pharisees are evil f*****g c***s that way.”
As a matter of historical context for this discussion, here is a description of the Pharisees from the Virtual Jewish Library:
“Of the various factions [of Judaism] that emerged under Hasmonean rule (last century B.C.E. up until the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 C.E., three are of particular interest: the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes. The most important of the three were the Pharisees because they are the spiritual fathers of modern Judaism. Their main distinguishing characteristic was a belief in an Oral Law that God gave to Moses at Sinai along with the Torah. The Torah, or Written Law, was akin to the U.S. Constitution in the sense that it set down a series of laws that were open to interpretation. The Pharisees believed that God also gave Moses the knowledge of what these laws meant and how they should be applied. This oral tradition was codified and written down roughly three centuries later in what is known as the Talmud.
The Pharisees also maintained that an after-life existed, and that God punished the wicked and rewarded the righteous in the world to come. They also believed in a messiah who would herald an era of world peace. Pharisees were in a sense blue-collar Jews who adhered to the tenets developed after the destruction of the Temple; that is, such things as individual prayer and assembly in synagogues to replace the animal sacrifice centered ritual of the Temple.”
OK, contrast this rather benign description of the Pharisees with Clif’s rather surprising assertions about them:
“They [the Pharisees] believe all of our common shared reality to be based on ‘grit’. They believe that random chance meeting of grit led to the formation of consciousness. This is wrong. They want you to see our reality in this perspective. It allows them to control your mind. The space aliens...those critters whom we are shooting down & looting their technology don’t have this Pharisees warped view of reality. They operate on a different paradigm, thus a different physics, thus they have UFOs and you have ground crawler. The UFOs are Here, and Now. Our paradigm lets us build and use nuke weapons. This is a bad thing, not just for us, but for ALL Life in this Matterium. The Pharisees paradigm won’t build you a UFO. /2The Pharisees are really stupid, as well as being f****ng evil c**ts. The Pharisees have captured our global education, and ‘science’. The Pharisees have imposed their f***ed view of reality upon our species.”
See what I mean? Given the historical context of who the Pharisees were and the fact that they existed as a religious movement within the Jewish religion 2000 YEARS AGO, are not these writings of Clif’s the apparent ravings of a mad man? I mean really, to use Clif’s ineffable lexicon, what the f**k Clif…have you lost your mind?
Actually, Clif’s reference to the Pharisees is actually to the Jewish people of the diaspora...the Israelites who were evicted from the Holy Land by the Romans after the destruction of the Second Temple around 77 C.E and became the scattered Jewish population of the world today. The fact that the Pharisees in their time steered the transition of the practice of Judaism from a temple based religion to a devotion based religion led by teachers, or rabbis as we know them, lies at the basis of Clif’s assertion that the word “Pharisees” can be used interchangeably with “Jews.” So, when he says, “the Pharisees are f*****g c***s,” he is really saying, “the Jews are f*****g c***s.” Clif’s extremely profane description of the Jews really does go beyond the pale and indicates that the Jews, who constitute a minute percentage of the world’s human population, are indeed driving him crazy.
Why do I say this? Because Clif’s central thesis of the creation of the universe and life itself which he calls an “ontology” happens to be almost identical to the Jewish central thesis of the creation of the universe and life itself. In both Clif’s ontology religion and in the Jewish religion an ethereal master spirit (for lack of a better word) that Clif calls “Consciousness” and Judaism calls “God” creates the universe and everything in it from nothing but the master spirit’s will. Something from nothing. Not only that, in both religions everything that happens in the universe is the master spirit’s will…nothing happens that is not for a purpose of the master spirit…there is no randomness in the course of events. It must be noted here that in Judaism man has free will, but God always knows how things are going to turn out. In Clif’s religion, Consciousness is so completely omniscient and omnipotent that it gets bored and seeks to create “novelty” by playing with the inhabitants of places like Earth for entertainment.
Clif doesn’t appear to get the base similarity between the master spirit of his religion versus the god of the Jews. In fact, Clif for some odd reason says he believes the absolute opposite about “the creation story” in Judaism. He asserts that the Jews believe in something he calls “gritology” where everything that exists emerged from something that he calls “grit”…a base material that one imagines would be similar to common dirt that through random occurrence over time immemorial developed into what we know as our universe and everything in it…including life…and of course no creator had anything to do with it. I mean really, Clif, all you would have to do is read Genesis in the Torah to find out that you are beyond wrong on this one. The problem here is that Clif has read Genesis…he’s a really bright and very well-read guy…and knows that what he is saying about Judaism’s concept of creation is a giant lie.
So why is Clif working so hard to sell this lie to his adoring public? It’s because he is all about connecting Judaism to what we know as modern day physics which he believes is totally fraudulent. Clif claims that everything that “science” has learned about physics from the Enlightenment through the Renaissance right up to the present day is not only beyond wrong but has been used to oppress and enslave the humans of planet Earth. Clif claims that Faraday, Maxwell, Becquerel, Curie, Einstein, Bohr, Teller, Hawking, Rutherford, Meitner, Hahn, Chadwick, Fermi, Oppenheimer, and Feynman are all miscreants of a physics science that is the root of all evil in the world. Clif believes that nothing from the first discovery of radioactivity in the 19th century up to quantum mechanics and string theory is valid…it’s all gritology and we know where that comes from, THE JEWS! In fact, Clif says that the other sentient creatures of the Universe, aka ET’s, are upset at the humans of Earth because we have developed things like nuclear weapons from this gritology and these ET’s are prepared to take action against “us” if we don’t abandon our evil physics. On top of this, Clif says that THE JEWS have engaged in a vast conspiracy to keep us from knowing about the REAL physics science that features FREE ENERGY as proposed by Nicola Tesla and his acolytes…energy that would free humankind from the oppression under which they have been suffering for centuries at the hands of the oil, gas, coal, and nuclear industries (controlled of course by THE JEWS).
Clif has gone so far as to claim that the Jews are “traitors to our species” apparently implying that when the ET’s eventually show up on Earth that the Jews should be rounded up and turned over to them for elimination. Sounds like a plan, Clif…where have we heard something like that before?
In the mean time, while Clif is waiting impatiently for the ET’s to show up and save us from ourselves, the Jews are living rent-free in his head…and driving him crazy! Clif says that the Jews (aka The Pharisees) are evil, “f*****g c***s.” If that is the case, they must be pretty smart f*****g c***s because they only comprise 0.2% of the population of the world. How could such an infinitesimally small percentage of the world’s human population so screw it all up for everybody else? If you believed that I guess it would drive you crazy too.