Some of us get our opinions from one side of the media and some from the other. Some of us get our opinions from our observations and experiences. Some of us get our opinions from all of these, and... some of us get our opinions from all of these AND... our intuitive faculty. What is the difference between a perspective and an opinion? Not much........
Here is a video of a fellow at an anti-Doge rally.
It's around seven minutes long but it gives you real insight into the postures of the people present. I was startled by how many older people were there. There was much talk about racism. More so than about anything else. Then there was the thing about the absence of proof. Even when proof was provided that was not proof. It is to be presumed that proof... for these people... is not possible. These people had their minds made up, BUT... who made their minds up for them?.......
It is... to me... anyway... obvious that certain forces were active in shaping the opinions of these people. This I get from the buzzwords that were present, especially the term, racism. Racism is a trope that is always employed by people pushing The Communist Agenda... under whatever secondary guise they are funneling it through. There is always the talk of making everyone equal when everyone is not equal. There is always the indication that certain groups of people are discriminated against, even when some of those groups are very recent creations. The people working it even create groups for this very purpose........
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