Imagine the consternation of those who are presently responsible for releasing the files on JFK... Martin Luther King... 9/11... Epstein, and... whichever one I left out, should that be the case. Consider their dilemma when each one of these traces directly back to Israel, as is presently the case.
Pam Bondi was told by the president to look through the files and then to release them. Now... concern is mounting because she has not released them. I'm guessing that adjustments will be made.
There was energy afoot to audit The Federal Reserve. Then... there was not a word and the latest new's buzz is Fort Knox. That's kinda like going after The Federal Reserve, eh? No. It's not. That also traces to Israel, and it is the source of the usurious interest being paid on the federal debt. It is a very simple matter.
For a long time now, it's been a snake moving through the grass. One section goes left and the next section goes right... then the reverse is true, and then? The reverse is true again. So... you get Republican administrations. Then you get Democratic administrations; allemande-left and allemande-right. The same vested interests provide the sequencing schematic to the square dance caller and the auctioneer.
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