Something is very wrong. Why would Patel have to say something like this? It reminds me of someone being held hostage and they start blinking in Morse code to tell you something is wrong; . . . _ _ _ . . . What did he see when he got to work? Who spoke to him? Who threatened him? Well, we know who threatened him. Where are The Epstein files and all the other stuff? I close my eyes and I keep seeing the face of someone who stepped into deep shit... and they are sinking. They continue to sink... and then you see it suddenly dawn in their eyes that they are not going to touch bottom any time soon. Also, what does Patel have to do with Iran? Isn't The FBI for domestic concerns?
So... this is all connected to Israel's supreme self-interest and gratuitous use of all of its allies. We are less than animals to them and deserve only to be exploited. Their Unholy scripture says so, and they are not shy of publicly saying so. This is all long past the need for debate.
Many will not speak out about this because of the threat it presents to their livelihood... their families... their reputation. I made arrangements decades ago to have no hostages to fortune in that respect. There is no one and nothing that can be taken away from me, AND... what could be taken away from me that is of value to me cannot be taken away from me because... it is invested in me by a power they cannot counteract, and which... IF and WHEN its gaze is turned upon them will neutralize them... utterly.
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