Let's start off with something useful and uplifting. I don't want to talk too much about the specifics of what is going on in The World right now... around that pinheaded... Loony Tune... Zelensky and his sycophantic catamites or any of the rest of the clueless yahoos in search of self-immolation. This is Smoking Mirrors... where we are supposed to talk about these things, BUT... I am in the delightful position where ONLY God tells me what to do, and what he tells me... nearly all of the time... is to not get in his way while he handles every detail of my existence. Interfering with God is probably the most ubiquitous activity carried out by the people in this world at any time of day.
Okay... on to the uplifting. As the reader should know... if the reader comes here with any regularity... I attend the sunrise every morning... without exception, AND... the sunset... without exception, whether The Sun is visible or not. Even a heavy bank of clouds... rain... sleet... snow... and hail, will not deter your spiritual postman; Visible... from his appointed rounds.
(After I released my first album; Jews From Outer Space... in 1984 as Les Visible and The Critical List, I have been called Visible or Viz ever since, I did nothing to bring it about... it just happened. Some people still refer to me as Les and... whaddya gonna do? The reason for this digression is explained at the end of the post.)
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