The Usual Suspects are the agitators behind The Ukraine War. It's where they came from, in the long ago. Now their time is coming to an end. As The Divine told me recently, “the one place they cannot protect themselves in. The one place where all their money... and plots... and illusions of power and influence are to no avail, is... in... their... minds. I am right there and I am going to inform them of this... shortly. How will they escape my all-pervading presence? They will not escape it. How will they feel when they find that the one that traveled all this way with them has recorded all of their deeds?”
They have grown confident in the horrors they have inflicted upon the rest of humanity. Who can or will oppose us, they ask? All this time they have been led on the road to destruction. Their magic is not nearly as powerful as they think it is. It is a bad carbon copy of a much higher magic that has patiently waited for its time of appearance. Soon they will come from the mountain fastnesses... from Agharta, Shamballa... and the inner realms of The Causal Plane. The servants of darkness will be literally blinded by the light and their persecution of The World will end. It has happened before... many times and it will happen again.
In the process of The World being returned to balance, adjustments are made. These adjustments are automatic. A living entity... that is balance and harmony itself... brings EVERYTHING into balance and harmony with itself... as it descends into manifestation. As Hermes Trismegistus says; “This is the strong force of all forces, overcoming every subtle and penetrating every solid thing.”
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