Like so many others, I waited anxiously for what we were told would be the complete Epstein files release by the DOJ. To say I was disappointed with the social media binder fiasco may be the understatement of the century. The result was people I’ve grown to trust have been shown to be being either incompetent, manipulated, duped, or just continuing the long held tradition of lying to the American people. The new Attorney General, Pam Bondi did not just make a blunder or a mistake, she screwed up BIG TIME! It was a complete disaster! Her unforced error has cost the Trump administration the one commodity they can’t afford to lose, credibility.
The latest details coming from Pam Bondi don’t pass the smell test. She is trying to make us believe that as of last week, she was unaware that thousands of documents were being withheld by the FBI N.Y field office. Anyone who has followed the case knows that the FBI seized boatloads of evidence not only from Epstein Island, but also from his New Mexico compound. She had to know where all of this evidence was being stored because of the prosecution of Ghislaine Maxwell, a prosecution led by disgraced former FBI director James Comey’s freakin daughter, who just happens to work at the rats-nest Southern District of New York! She had to be aware that James Dennehy, who has subsequently been forced to resign as head of this now infamous N.Y. office, sent an email to his subordinates to telling them to “dig in” and resist the Trump administration. She also had to be aware of a whistleblower’s claim that Epstein evidence was being permanently erased from secure FBI servers “around the clock.” All of this proves that she is either stupid and ignorant, which I don’t believe, or flat out lying. Bondi then went on Sean Hannity’s show and spewed a bunch fresh of bovine excrement, aided and abetted by Hannity. She is now claiming that she didn’t know about this mountain of evidence until a whistleblower told her a day before the release of the binder fiasco, that this truckload of files and documents was being held without her knowledge by the N.Y. field office, but in her next comment she said she knew the documents she had received had to be incomplete, that there had to be more. So, which one is it Pam?
Maybe this whole charade is part of some trap to expose Dennehy and his fiefdom. That may well be the case, Bondi’s experience as a prosecutor would almost certainly include tactics where criminals are lied to in order to trap them into revealing their crimes. She did not need to do so in this case. Lying to the public to ensnare Dennehy was unnecessary. Bondi should have never said she had all the Epstein files on her desk, she obviously did not, and I’m sorry, that was outright intentional lie! What she should have done was be transparent. On Patel’s first day on the job, Bondi should have dispatched him to immediately evacuate then sequester all personnel and files at the N.Y field office. Next, she should have held a press conference that same day, detailing the FBI’s office in N.Y. refusal to provide all of the files. Remember she was on the job a couple of weeks before Patel, and in her own statements has she said that she ordered the FBI to hand over ALL the files. This happened before Patel was confirmed. Obviously that they hadn’t done so, (keep in mind Dennehy’s order to dig in and resist.) She could have provided the 200 or so pages to the press saying this paltry pile of already publicly available documents was everything the FBI was willing to hand over! If she had said that Kash Patel was already launching an immediate investigation into why the N. Y. field office was defying her direct orders, that the N.Y. office was being temporarily shut down and the evidence in question was in transit to the DOJ, then the shitstorm of bad publicity could have been avoided, without having to lie to the American people.
At this point can anyone in the pre-Kash FBI be trusted? In previous blogs I’ve referred to the FBI as “Garland’s Gestapo.” Their actions against law abiding citizens while protecting the elites in power, prove they are the real Nazi’s out there. I don’t want to hear anymore the over-used platitude that “the vast majority of FBI agents are loyal and patriotic.” The only ones that can be excused from being labeled as Gestapo are the few whistleblowers who had the courage to speak up, ALL OF THE REST ARE COMPLICIT, EITHER BY THEIR ACTIONS OR THEIR SILENCE! Actually, the way I feel right now is that every stinking one of these lying politicians, bureaucrats, and media ass lickers, ALL OF THEM, whether they are on the left or the right should be rounded up and sent to Gitmo, until they start telling the real truth. The era of thinking that Americans can’t handle the truth has long gone. I know I’m not the only one who’s way past being sick and tired of the constant lies and manipulations that spew out of D.C. like so much rancid sewage.
After Trump was elected, I felt like I just wanted to move on from all of the crap we endured during the 4 years of the Biden Regime. I wanted to turn the other cheek to all of those who called me a conspiracy theorist, a Nazi, a white supremacist, an anti-vaxxer who wanted to kill grandmothers. I chalked it up to the constant lies the media has been telling for years and years. I thought that once the Uniparty, prog-glob puppet Biden trash was kicked out, we might possibly start to unite as a country and begin to move forward.
After the election, Demonrats seemed to be floundering in their attempts to fight back against Trump, always taking the most unpopular side of any issue, whether it be transwomen in sports, cutting out waste and fraud, or illegal immigration. Still, I wasn’t so naïve to think that the deep state would go quietly into that good night, after all, a wounded animal is the most dangerous. Instead, their outrage over DOGE and Trump’s executive orders looks like a smokescreen, hiding their belief the deep state will eventually kill anything Trump’s team tries to accomplish. So far, their faith just might be justified. The pre-Kash FBI is openly refusing lawful orders from the DOJ. Leftist judges, usurping authority they do not possess, have (so far) thwarted a lot of Trump’s executive orders. Liberal state governments have refused to comply with lawful orders from the federal government, with no repercussions. The round-up of illegal immigrants has not been as effective as was promised, due to stonewalling by state and local sanctuary governments, as well as actions like identifying ICE agents and leaking out info on upcoming raids. The MSM is doing their part by vomiting a constant stream of fake news, phony polls and reports on Soros backed infiltrations of Repugnican town hall events in an effort to make people think that Trump voters are experiencing buyer’s remorse.
The deep state is, to borrow a phrase from Shrek of all things, like an onion. The outermost layer is the bureaucracy. I love how the legacy media morons go after Musk as being unelected, while this army of unelected government bureaucrats actually run things. We’re supposed to feel sorry for all of these “dedicated government employees who work tirelessly” (from home usually) losing their phony boloney jobs. I’ve got some reality to share, in the real world, you actually have to show up to work, you actually have to justify your continued employment, and yes you can be fired or laid off for no other reason than the boss just doesn’t like you. You think it’s tough to be fired? Talk to all of us who have lost jobs, homes and future plans because of these soulless bureaucrats.
After the bureaucrats come the surface level of the elite class. These are the so-called “journalists” of the main stream media, who along with dimwitted celebrities seek to influence and deceive people into believing up is down, right is wrong, and perversions are just okey-dokey. They serve as the propaganda arm of the deep state. They think by aligning themselves with the prog-globs in charge they will reap the benefits after the “right wing Nazi monsters” of America are destroyed, not realizing they are tools of the deep state and will be discarded like yesterday’s dirty diaper after they’ve outlived their usefulness.
Next are the politicians, the Uniparty scum that don’t give a damn about America or Americans. Whose only interests are getting rich, obtaining political power and supporting the leftist agenda.. The level of disgust I feel towards these reptiles knows no limits. In my view they are traitors to America and deserve the consequences of their crimes. These are the scum being exposed by DOGE. You can tell who they are because they are the ones screaming the loudest about all the corruption Musk and his team are revealing.
The deep state also needs an enforcement arm to make sure that Americans are complying with the globalist agenda. The next layer is where all the 3 letter government agencies, the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, and all the rest reside. They act not only as the storm troopers for the deep state, but also provide cover for their degenerate prog-glob masters. After these layers of putrescence come the crony capitalists, hedge fund managers, corporations and NGO’s that blackmail and manipulate corrupt politicians into making sure the money train keeps on rolling. In a recent Benny Johnson broadcast Anti-Trafficking Expert REVEALS Who the FBI is Really Protecting in Epstein Docs / 'WALL STREET' Jaco Booyens, head of JBM (Jaco Booyens Ministries,) one of the world’s leading anti-trafficking organizations, claims that Wall Street, corrupt NGOs and the World Economic Forum are behind the massive child sex trafficking being perpetrated around the globe. They use sex trafficked children to blackmail and coerce politicians on both sides of the aisle to facilitate these heinous, unholy crimes.
The next layer are the progressive-globalists, vermin like Klaus Schwab and George and Alex Soros, who manipulate the outer layers in order to achieve their agenda of establishing a New World Order. In a recent broadcast on The Blaze by Steven Deace, he interviewed a woman who goes by the handle of DataRepublican. During the interview she goes into detail about how corrupt NGO’s funnel money to willing participants, revealing what might be labeled as the operating platform of the deep state as an organization named “National Endowment for Democracy.” She states that this is an organization that although it functions outside the government, is funding by 7 NGO’s that receive bundles of cash from the federal government, then disperses those funds to other ngo’s in a kind of circle jerk of corruption and degeneracy.
At the very heart of all of this is Satan. There can be no dispute that at it’s core the deep state and all of its layers are inherently evil. In the Blaze interview, DataRepublican refers what is going on as a second American revolution. She’s definitely NOT wrong, there is undoubtedly a second revolutionary war being waged, an infowar not a shooting war. Jaco Booyens echoed what myself and many others have been saying all along, this war goes far deeper. This is an existential battle between good and evil. God gave us a reprieve from the decadence our society has descended into by turning Trumps head at the exact right time. Trump’s survival and his subsequent election are proof that God has given the world a chance to deliver a crushing blow to Satan’s scheme of enslaving humanity and prevent us from enjoying fellowship with God, something Satan can never achieve. We must not become complacent thinking that this War is over. This war is far from over, the enemy will not surrender, will not retreat until it is ultimately destroyed. It’s going to take each and every one of us who believe, to do God’s will, to do whatever we can, whatever it takes, to win this war. As the saying goes “failure is not an option.” God has spared us, now it’s our turn to do our part and show we are deserving of God’s mercy. We can’t let the enemy escape justice, there has to be retribution, a reckoning for the all the evil they have unleashed upon humanity. In the Old Testament there is story after story of God exacting his wrath upon people that turn away and follow false gods. Often times God will use a vastly inferior force to overwhelm his enemies, the David vs Goliath story for instance. We have to be aware that when the enemy counters, we can’t simply throw up our hands and say this is hopeless, the enemy is far to powerful, far to rich, there’s far too many of them. Always remember, and history has shown this to be true, time and time again, with God all things are possible.
Keep The Faith and as always, ROCK ON BOTHERS AND SISTERS!