Well, President Trump knocked it out of the park last night. Usually, I only last about 10-15 minutes with political speeches. This time I watched the whole thing. The opposition was left bleeding in the aisles. Independent of the president, The World is changing in a big way and this is a very necessary thing because of behavior like this...
...and also like this.
I have seen a number of examples of people reversing The Hippocratic Oath. It stands to reason that these are only the tip of the iceberg.
I mentioned several times that as The Avatar descends down the planes, he drives the demonic forces before him. Finally, they are driven out into The Material Plane where they run about looking for a place to stay. It's not hard for them to find accommodations in times like these. There are so many shiftless and adrift personalities... here in The Declining Days... before The Spring of The New Age. That is what accounts for the behavior these links indicate. When you grow up as the faithless offspring of indifferent parents, this is what you turn into. Holy jumping j'apostrophes!!!
DOG POET~"There are Rare Smells and Warm Lights, and... The Feel of The Christmas Spirit is Like Pure Joy and Love in Eq Morgan -- Wednesday, 5-March-2025 13:30:55