Well... they're going to have to redact The Epstein Files, and you can pretty much assume that they are going to do the same about The JFK Files and The 9/11 Files BECAUSE... Israel was the author of them all and... many more besides.
It doesn't matter because it is all coming out regardless and there are little gnomes everywhere that feed the information into the public view.
The reason the pedophilia thing is so rampant across all levels of government... religion and the private sector is two-fold. It might be three or four-fold, but let's just stick with the basics. First off... when corruption enters into your life, you begin to give off a vibration... a smell... etc., and it makes The Web of The Sub-Matrix... The Sub-Creation tremble, and... just as the internet web has spiders that roam far... wide... and deep, there are other spiders who feed on whatever virtues or good qualities you might have had. They are the Pacman of The Dark Side.
The Dark Side of Deity... where the demiurges and other entities live is a complex locale. Demiurges apparently come in two types. Plato saw them as the ones God relied on to materialize his blueprints. He believed they were there for the creation and maintenance of the universe. So... Plato's demiurges were a lot like The Elohim and The Rishis. They were basically creatures from The Devic Realm... who did the forming... according to the visions of God.