Did you take your Dakota with you or did she stay with your husband.. ??
Sorry to hear your Mother is not doing well but glad to see you back on CGI.. I've missed your views.. :-))
Lynda Susan .. Name I was born with..
: just noticed from reading further down
: and at RMN -- that it has been posted
: Just kind of getting back into the loop
: of writing again
: have been out of province tending to
: my Mother with some health problems
: and she has no internet and does not
: want internet
: She is quite content with volunteering
: at the Nursing Home -- which she is
: not in --- and happy volunteering for
: the ladies auxilliary for the Canadian Legion
: and going to church and being active in
: the seniors club in her community
: She had some back surgery and a few
: complications --- but appears to be up
: and on the go again ---
: The reason I put the article up was
: In Canada recently
: CBC News a public form funded by the
: taxpayers of Canada has moved to change
: their comment section at the bottom of
: some of their articles from
: those that use pseudonyms to you must
: use your real names
: because some have abused the rules and
: regulation for commenting and hiding behind
: made-up names while -- I guess -- attacking
: someone else for their points of view
: Some are upset about this move and some think
: that is a great idea
: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/cbc-news-online-commenting-no-pseudonyms-1.3496467
: (snip)
: CBC will ban the use of pseudonyms for readers commenting on
: stories on the CBC.ca website, the corporation announced
: Thursday.
: All commenters will be required to use their real names, Emma
: Bedard, spokeswoman for CBC English Services, told CBC
: News.
: The move is a "request for transparency on the part of
: [online] users," Bedard said.
: over 7600 comments have been written
: regarding the CBC move
: as for my name and it sounding like a pseudonym
: Cmanynames
: C is for Cathy my real names
: and manynames is my native name
: have not written a CBC comment to find out
: it they will take the name -- manynames
: or do they want my maiden name or do they
: want my married name
: I just have to wonder how many names some
: people have
: I actually know more than a few people with more than six
: names
: especially if they are from many countries around the world
: Cathy is a very common name used in every country in the world
: in many different forms
: and not in any racial reference while writing this
: Mohammed seems to be a very popular name used by
: hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of males around the
: world
: along with their other 6 or 8 names on their actual birth
: certificates?
: You can change your name for a fee anytime you want?
: So what is up with the real name thing?
: I'm not hiding behind my name
: maybe some are, I don't know ?
: I have no problem with using real birth name
: real married name or real native name
: native name
: C(Cathy)manynames
: I earned that name
: I was married and divorced
: I was married again and he died
: and I have been married for the 3rd time
: for over 25 years
: What name do they want?
: What's the purpose behind this?
: If you do not agree with CBC article
: do you get banned
: I guess we will see
: (snip)
: 'Anonymity hard to prevent entirely'
: When asked by CBC News if banning pseudonyms was the same as
: banning anonymous comments, Bedard said the goal is to
: "encourage our users to use their real names,"
: but "anonymity is hard to prevent entirely."
: Bedard said it is too early to say what kind of measures CBC
: might consider to try to ensure people are not using fake
: names.
: She noted that banning the use of pseudonyms is "really
: just a first step" in fixing the issue of hateful
: comments online and that CBC will be looking at other
: measures, including the comment moderation process.
: Cathy