Spiritual Mastery is defined as the perfection of the spiritual process and a complete understanding as to the nature of reality. The benefits of Spiritual Mastery are extensive but include the ability to direct ones destiny, choose ones future higher-dimensional incarnations, transcend death, perceive the astral and trans-astral realms and perceive all of the non-physical and non-conceptual aspects of the Universe and Reality. Compounded onto those benefits one can also achieve Life Mastery in the 3D world (health, abundance, well-being, perfection of the use of energy and having a strong immunity to karma).
It is an elusive state as the vibratory bar for Spiritual Mastery is high yet with an understanding and application of five main pillars achieving this state in this life-time (and thus becoming a non-returner to 3D) is certainly possible. Added to the elusiveness of the state is the fact that the state of Spiritual Mastery cannot be perceived directly from outside of it and thus Spiritual Perfection remains vibrationally invisible until you are ready to understand directly. Thus any teacher (myself included) can only provide sets of tools and road-maps rather than wave a wand and grant you instant Universal Enlightenment. The path must be walked in order to transcend the path and attain an understanding of Truth!
So what are the five main pillars to reflect upon and create if one is serious about attaining Spiritual Mastery?
1. Truth
To attain a state of Spiritual Mastery (and remain there long enough to be able to make use of the state) one must be committed to the path of truth. All lies cause confusion and distract one from the true path. Lies, deceptions, trickery and all forms of cheating create karmic effects that dampen ones vibration and keeps one trapped in a state of separation from Source / Ultimate Truth. For the Universe to be completely open with you you must be open with it lies create barriers and resistances to true intimacy with the Universe. Spiritual Truth cannot be perceived from any state not aligned to truth and thus Spiritual Mastery is the product of a transmutation and renunciation of all lies!
2. Impeccability (Ethical Purity)
One of the main reasons why Spiritual Mastery is so hard to attain or to understand in the Western world is because of the unpopularity of being ethical. Many people cheat, lie, steal, delude themselves or others, engage in control dramas and violate the basic spiritual laws and principles that make a strong relationship to Source possible. Examples include taking or abusing the sanctity of life, unethical livelihood, sexual misconduct, theft, control (violation of free-will),a lack of respect for the path and a whole host of other ethical issues. Without the ethical purity in place comprehending high-level spiritual understanding is impossible (there are Universal safeguards in place to prevent people blowing up stars and tearing holes in the Universe or damaging the purity of the Higher Planes things that would happen if these safeguards were not present!)
Without ethics whatever one thinks one knows may be false and in some cases one can become subservient to the energies of the Lower Astral a phenomenon most notable in light-worker channellers who have not yet transcended control dramas. In my experience of the light-worker community beneath a superficial veneer of love and light lies a dark world of criminal behaviour, corruption, cheating, lying and a large array of other unresolved control dramas which tragically ends in victim-hood, sickness, misfortune, suffering and death the end result of ignoring ethics.
The worst enemies of spiritual enlightenment are lying and cheating both of which will cost you in energy terms many more times the cost of playing fair and true. For as long as you have the tendency to lie, cheat or steal spiritual understanding will be impossible to attain. When you cheat with intent the karmic effect is amplified. Whatever benefit you may believe you obtained through deception and cheating will quickly be outweighed by the subsequent depletion of energy. Whats worse in that depleted state other people can then cheat you (what goes around comes around) and push you further down into the karmic web. Trying for a short-cut by cheating will always find you walking the hard and long way around.
spiritual mastery kundalini
Spiritual Mastery
The one thing that any spiritual teacher cannot teach you is how to live a life of integrity. Either one has it or one does not. It is not something one can learn overnight. Only the experience of life can teach you about the importance of integrity. Without it spiritual information, understanding or knowledge is useless for it is like making a daily visit to the well with a gaping hole in the bottom of the bucket. Nothing can be retained, integrated or made use of. This is why the world is hungry for spirituality and is not satiated because there are a host of ethics and integrity issues in the way making retention impossible.
3. Bodily Purity
The body is the temple (the abode) of the Higher Self/Spirit/Atman. Keeping a strong relationship to Source requires an extreme level of vibrational purity and freedom from harmful toxins found in almost all foods and drinks on the planet. The vices of modern day humanity (alcohol and tobacco) are the very things that ruin ones physical temple, destroying ones light body and creating a further separation from Spiritual Truth. Eating toxic food consumes vast resources of ones life-force that could otherwise be directed to the attainment of spiritual understanding!