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TOBACCO & FREE WILL & DOOMSDAY: NOSTRADAMUS and April 10 in prophecy...

Posted By: FrancisDrake
Date: Sunday, 10-April-2016 01:08:10

Nostradamus Century 1, Quatrain 42
published May 4, 1555

The tenth day of the April Calends, calculated in Gothic fashion
is revived again by wicked people.
The fire is put out and the diabolic gathering
seek the bones of the demon of Psellus

Early in the 1980s start to ongoing city governments' "war on tobacco", The Kansas City Missouri City Council suddenly and unanimously voted to ban smoking tobacco in publicly-owned buildings, on Thursday night, April 10, 1986, effective "ninety days" later.

A "council/gathering/assembly" "put the fire out" on an April 10th.

On Friday, April 6, 535 BC, the angel Gabriel reportedly visited Daniel, and among a great many things (contained in the last chapters of the biblical book of Daniel), told him that "the daily burning offering" would be banned/put out/suppressed, and then one thousand and two hundred and ninety days later, an "abomination/horrible thing which destroys/causes destruction" would be put in place. The angel also mentions in closing, a 'three-and-a-half" times, cycle.


Well, 713.5 times 1290 days later (after April 6, 535 BC) is April 10, 1986.

That's interesting, that both the 1290 and 3.5 are in the distance in days between a prophecy about smoking or displaying INCENSE being banned...and a fulfillment of it. It certainly raised my eyebrow.

And so I wondered what might happen twice 1290 years after ancient Jerusalem was invaded by Babylon and its priests slain, and the daily burning offering "put out". In the Gregorian Calendar, it was July 11, 586 BC when Jerusalem fell to invading troops after a 2.5 year siege...a month later, on August 10-11, 586 BC, Solomon's Temple was burned by fire, extinguishing the site of the daily burning offering.

So check out what happened EXACTLY twice 1290 years later, the summer of 1995:

"On July 13, 1995, the press reported the Food and Drug Administration had determined that nicotine was a drug, and that tobacco products should be regulated as nictoine delivery devices. Though the FDA could act on its own, it sent to President Clinton a set of initial suggestions for curbing the use of tobacco products by minors."

"On August 10, 1995, President Clinton announced his intention to allow the FDA to assume regulation of tobacco, and presented a detailed set of proposals aimed at preventing the use of tobacco products by minors. The proposals would create strict limits on the advertising, sale and distribution of cigarettes."

Another thing I checked when I realized the KCMO ban on smoking of April 10, 1986 was apparently mentioned to the Jewish prophets Daniel and Michel de Nostradamus, was...what happened 1290 days after the April 10, 1986 ban went into effect "ninety days later" on July 9, 1986? That would be Friday, January 19, 1990.

Well, a "horrible destroyer" was unleashed that night....Saturday January 20 is known as "Black Saturday"...Soviet troops invaded the capital of rebellious Azerbaijan "and the streets ran with blood", read about it here:

I find that all very interesting, and would like to turn to some more time cycles to highlight tonight and tomorrow night (April 9-10 and April 10-11, 2016) in prophecy:

As touched upon in my January 25 posting about the Abrahamic Covenant, 2016 is on a thirty-year and seventy-year cycle extending back to the birth of Abraham in 1955 BC and the Exodus from Egypt exactly 500 years later, and so forth....

And I mentioned an angel visit (two, actually, if you believe Nostradamus' prophecies were provided by an angel or angels), and would like to refer to another alleged angel visit, a visit at about 1:15 AM CDT on July 31, 1968, 420 days after the Jewish Temple Site was seized by Jewish soldiers on June 7, 1967 for the first time since the early second century, a visit "believed" in this religious group:

Here is the whole message allegedly provided that night to William Draves, it mentions Armageddon and suggests it will begin in 1990 (with the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq August 2, 1990...>?) and continue on past the century change...

Now, tonight April 9-10, 2016 is exactly 17,420 days after that prophecy was written down by Mr. Draves, and that is a multiple of the prophetic "Mayan" 260-day count, 17420 is 67 times 260 days. As it is, I actually expect something significant involving "war" may occur at or about 1:15 AM CDT tonight (an hour from now). This is because of a general truism that prophecies are fulfilled on time-cycle anniversaries of the prophecy being uttered, and secondly, at or about precisely 1:15 AM July 12, 2006, a 34-day conflict between Israelis and Lebanon-based militants broke out...9 AM local time is 1:00 AM CDT, see:

...and that night of July 11-12, 2006 at 1:00 AM CDT was exactly 13,860 days after that "Armageddon prophecy" message claimed by William Draves....that's 33 times 420 days, or a flatly biblical eleven times 1260 days apart. And remember, the 1968 prophecy was 420 days after the 1967 seizure of the Temple Site during the Six-Day War.

I hope this doesn't all sound like an inscrutable series of numbers...interesting to me that the Lebanon War of 2006 began 34 times 420 days after the capture of the Jewish Temple Site...and lasted 34 days.

"The 2006 Lebanon War...was a 34-day military conflict in Lebanon, Northern Israel and the Golan Heights...The conflict started on 12 July 2006, and continued until a United Nations-brokered ceasefire went into effect in the morning on 14 August 2006"
see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Day_War#The_Old_City_.28June_7.29

This is about all I'm offering tonight, except for what happened in 1996, I went to dinner with a City Councilman on the night of April 10, 1996, discussed recent belligerent gestures by North Korea (read about it here! http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9604/06/korea/ ), and speculated that North Korea might attack South Korea shortly.

My City Councilman friend, on the anniversary of the Kansas City Council voting to ban tobacco incense/smoke from public places, thrust forward his hand and offered to "bet" me that North Korea would NOT attack South Korea. We shook hands, and as you know, he won the bet....so far.

But about two hours later, Israeli forces launched their largest military strike since the invasion of Lebanon in 1982:
timing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Grapes_of_Wrath#Operation

Tomorrow night, not tonight, is the twentieth anniversary of that operation's start, and I wanted to point out that midnight April 10-11, 2016 is a prophetic 9880 days (38 times 260 days) since the "abomination of desolation"..."horrible destroyer", the Exxon Valdez broke in Prince William Sound and spilled a bunch of oil March 23-24, 1989....

I considered entitling this post "Tobacco and Bombs...Nostradamus' April 10th prophecy"...besides explaining the time cycles and prophecy excerpts and military conflicts, the topic begs an explanation of what the heck is going on? I believe it has to do with primal issues facing mankind from the beginning: One's Free Choice versus others' free choice/free will, and versus God's Will, etcetera.

Tobacco is not the demonic boogey-man that self-righteous and politically correct have made it out to be, certain not as harmful as constant emission of gasoline fumes, and oil tanker spills. But you can read about that here: forces.org

To repeat, check out http://www.forces.org for amazing discussions of free will and implications in consumption of controversial food or drink....

Saves me a lot of writing, here.

In conclusion, notice that I mention 1986, 1996, 2006, and 2016 in prophecy? That's that ten year cycle which goes back to the lifetime of Abraham (in my findings anyway).


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  • TOBACCO & FREE WILL & DOOMSDAY: NOSTRADAMUS and April 10 in prophecy...
    FrancisDrake -- Sunday, 10-April-2016 01:08:10

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