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NJ Court Upholds Cruz 'Natural-Born' Status

Posted By: StormyOne
Date: Thursday, 14-April-2016 15:21:45


New Jersey Secretary of State, Kim Guadagno has chosen not to over-rule Administrative Law Judge Jeff S. Masin’s decision on Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be on New Jersey’s Presidential Primary Ballot.

Yesterday, Judge Masin ruled that Cruz was eligible to be on the ballot because, in his view, Cruz is a natural-born U.S. citizen.

However, after studying this issue for this my 4th story on the topic, a number of questions have been cleared up to the point where I can say without reservation that Ted Cruz is a natural-born citizen …. of Canada - but certainly not the United States.

I was wrong about one thing, his father was not an illegal alien. He was a Cuban citizen who did receive a green card work permit after graduating from the University of Texas in 1961.
This doesn’t affect the conclusions I made previously, but much of what follows is new information that only strengthens the case.

As stated previously Ted’s father was a bigamist. While married, he ran off to Canada with his new girlfriend – Ted’s eventual mother, in 1996. Reportedly, the senior Cruz gave an interview with NPR and said:

“I worked in Canada for eight years, and while I was in Canada, I became a Canadian citizen.”

Ted was born on Dec. 21st, 1970, shortly after citizenship was granted to both parents. To be granted Canadian citizenship, one must live in Canada for 5 years – a crucial point! The only exception to that is if one of the spouses is a citizen of the mother country, England.

Ted’s mother, Eleanor, was originally married to a British mathematician. Although they met and married in Texas in 1956, 4 years later, they moved back to his hometown, London, in 1960. A year later, she abandoned the marriage without notice. Her husband filed for divorce in 1962. Accounts vary slightly, but she probably returned to her family in Texas in 1966 probably having acquired British citizenship while there.
Soon after, she met Ted’s father and they fled to Canada, probably so that Rafael would not have to deal with a messy and expensive divorce.

Eleanor and Raphael were married in Canada in 1969 and a year later, Ted was born in late 1970 to parents who were full Canadian citizens by then. Remember, the ONLY way citizenship could have been granted so quickly was if Eleanor claimed British citizenship.

Canadian Immigration and Naturalization officials have reportedly confirmed that Ted Cruz was a natural-born citizen of Canada, the son of two parents who had recently applied for and received citizenship prior to Ted’s birth.
“He’s a Canadian,” said Toronto lawyer Stephen Green, past chairman of the Canadian Bar Association’s Citizenship and Immigration Section.

It was Ted Cruz, himself, who released his Canadian birth certificate at some point.

In addition, we know by the admission of Ted’s father, Raphael, that he was never a U.S. citizen until 2005. We also know that regardless of whether his mother gave up her U.S. citizenship to become a British citizen no longer matters because Canada did not allow dual citizenship and so both Raphael and Eleanor had to give up any other citizenship they may have held to become Canadian citizens.

In any case, we now know that all three, Raphael, Eleanor, and Ted Cruz returned to the U.S. in 1974 as Canadian citizens.
So, Ted Cruz is certainly not a natural-born U.S. citizen, in fact, it is questionable whether he is even a U.S. citizen today, and that is probably why he has sealed his birth records.
But here is THE one document that absolutely proves this case. On May 14, 2014 – 16 months AFTER he became a Senator of the United States, Ted Cruz finally renounced his Canadian citizenship. If he was born a Canadian citizen, he can never qualify to run for President of the United States!

Going forward, Congress should pass legislation to prevent this from ever happening again. Candidates for the Congress of the United States – either House or Senate, as well as the President and Vice-President, must be able to prove their eligibility for office, before they can run for that office.

That means they will have to hold hearings and come to a definition of what a natural-born citizen is. That’s probably the best that can be done because the educated opinion around this town is that the Supreme Court will never rule on this issue because they consider it political and therefore under the domain of Congress.

Professor Williams, who started this process by challenging the eligibility of Ted Cruz to run for President has seven more states in which to find a judge that will see the obvious – merely in Ted Cruz’s inability to prove that he is eligible – and that he hides whatever does exist behind a order of some court somewhere to keep those documents out of public view. Let’s pray that he can do so.

I’m still reporting on politics. Good day.


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