My initial posting on the subject was picked up by two other alternative-news blogs, here and here and there were a couple of nice comments posted to that second one, check 'em out if you'd like.
Sort of by popular demand then, here is some more information about how the Mayan Calendar definitely prophesies something huge for April 28, 2016 and afterwards...bear in mind that what's implied is a second coming of Quetzalcoatl/Kukulcan ON OR AFTER Thursday, April 28, 2016, which is described as 4 Ahau 3 Xul
Incidentally, that number begs the question, when was date in our calendar? The answer is interesting: 5 Ahau 13 Zotz was Thursday, May 2, 1878 A.D.
This woman, a MAYAN(?) was reportedly born the next day:
""World's oldest person" dies in El Salvador"
If I'm making a big deal about a date in the Mayan Calendar, you may ask: What about the "failed" prophecy about December 21-23, 2012?
Well, I never participated in that, it was bogus from the get-go. It is based on the popular but incorrect "G-M-T Goodman Martinez Thompson" correlation, which is a full 260 years off the correct correlation, discovered by Alberto Escalona Ramos and published by him in Mexico City in 1940: and
Here, check out an entire website debunking the G-M-T correlation:
According to the Escalona-Ramos correlation (revised one day from JD 679108 to JD 679107), the Mayan Era Base Date is not August 3114 BC as suggested by Goodman, Martinez and Thompson, but is actually WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2854 BC. (Gregorian Calendar)
Well, I discovered in 1985 that Jesus was apparently crucified on Passover day, a Wednesday (not a Friday!), WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 31 A.D.
....and, both those Wednesday 26 March are separated by a multiple of 360 days, the Mayan "tun". Specifically, Jesus was crucified on 13 Ahau 18 Pax, which is 1053360 days (2926 times 360 days, or 418 times 7 times 360 days) after the Mayan Era Base Date: 4 Ahau 8 Cumku (Wednesday, 26 March 31 A.D.)
What's more, this Thursday April 28, 2016 is also a multiple of 360 days since the Mayan Era Base Date (4940 times 360 days) and therefore also a multiple of 360 days since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ (2014 times 360 days).
See that 4940 in the previous sentence? That's a "spectacular" cycle, this Thursday April 28, 2016 is nineteen times (260 times 360) days since the Mayan Era Base Date! Something "spectacular" is likely gonna happen that day! At least an historic earthquake I pointed out in my last posting on this and ...20 times 360 days before April 28, 2016 was a "significant" earthquake in Japan...40 times 360 days before April 28, 2016 was a major earthquake in Eastern Turkey (near the legendary site of Noah's Ark)...60 times 360 days before April 28, 2016 was a monstrous 8.3-magnitude earthquake off Alaska and tsunami which caused millions of dollars in damage in Hawaii but didn't hurt anyone....
If not a physical earthquake, then an earthquake-like announcement or political or military move...
The Second Coming? Well, I am a Christian and do believe the Second Coming will happen, and could happen at any time, but I don't KNOW when the Second Coming will take place.
One thing I expect for April 28, 2016 is a number of "spectacular" (vivid) dreams being provided people around the globe, please respond if that is the case in your own life.