11 days after the Orlando Pulse shooting, the Orlando Magic drafted a player who wears #11 with the #11 overall pick, immediately traded for Serge Ibaka (pronounced “Surge”) on the same night Independence Day: ReSURGEnce opened. This was 11 days before July 4th and the following weekend The Purge: Election Year will open nationwide. PULSE – SURGE – RESURGENCE – PURGE. All events connected by the number that means chaos, disorder and judgment. One of the many non-coincidences from last night we will be covering.
Barclays Center in Brooklyn would host the 2016 NBA Draft on June 23rd. Within hours of its conclusion, Barclays would release their statement, Barclays CEO on Brexit vote: “We have stood in service of our customers and clients for over 325 years … That does not change today”. Barclays was established on 11/17/1690, 5540 days later Benjamin Franklin would be born.
The events of the past few weeks tie into America’s founding, through its independence from Britain. More importantly, we are witnessing what can only be described as conspicuous warnings that the world is entering a new phase in the coming years, if not sooner.
Do NOT allow your eyes to glaze over when you see numbers. For those who can withstand the onslaught of information you will be blessed. Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. If you fear God you need fear nothing else. Out of my fear of God I feel a responsibility to pay attention to His concealed glory. An artist would not much appreciate a patron of the gallery to take a quick dismissive glance. Our Creator is THE Artist of all, let us examine His work and not be shortsighted in what we think constitutes His medium. All the earth is His canvas.
If it weren’t for God’s grace and Him providing me this outlet I would most certainly be institutionalized. This is both astonishing and vexing.
After addressing the following question we are going to briefly lay a foundation with some overlapping dates which connect major current events. This will be followed by the fascinating connection between Barclays and Brexit, then some aspects of the Draft which jumped out at me. I had no intention of covering this stuff, in fact, nothing I intend to cover do I actually get around to writing about. As with most all other posts, this chose me I did not choose it. How insignificant we really are, in our vanity we make plans but then the NBA Draft happens. But Lord, people are complaining I write about sports too much…
Sometimes I like to pretend to be the captain of the crow, a laughable reality for anyone who knows what goes down behind the scenes.
The Question Frequently Asked – Why Do You Cover American Sports?
One reason is that aside from Hollywood, sports in the west is the largest single entertainment category that crosses all social lines. Young, old, black, white, male, female, Muslim, Jewish.
All can relate on one level or another to sports. You would be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn’t thrown or hit a ball, shot a basket or swung a club. The entertainment side of sports has taken on a life of its own. We have the personal story side, reality TV of sorts that appeals to the celebrity obsessed who may or may not care for the competitive side. We worship people, whether for their athletic prowess, celebrity status or both. It is usually both.
Adults will find themselves engaged in heated debate over their favorite teams. In a world detached from the traditional human interaction between man and environment, the strategic faculties have been diverted to sports. A step away from fantasy in so far as it doesn’t involve dwarves and elves. The “manly” man, will throw beers at his television during the playoffs and the commercials tell us this is an endearing trait. The advertisements show us a beautiful woman busting her tail, keeping things in order, while her slovenly husband is yelling at the screen. This is America in 2016. Modern sports is the circus of Rome on steroids.
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