Even when my predictions don't pan out, it is useful reading my text because descriptions of time cycles which HAVE been vindicated by actual events, helps "prove" or at least "indicate" the existence of an Almighty, intimately involved in creating male and female humans "in his/her" image. Sound like a departure from the Faith? Hey, I just quoted the Bible:
Genesis 1:27, New International Version:
So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
Enough about that, how about an earthquake prediction? The time indicated is at or about 3:15 AM EST tonight October 31-November 1, 2014.
To explain:
1. There is a 140 day cycle, when Mayan Calendar day "Eagle" aligns with a Friday (happens every 7 times 20 days, see), in which newsworthy earthquakes seem more prone to happen, three historical examples are:
a. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1933_Long_Beach_earthquake
b. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1964_Alaska_earthquake
c. http://www.afghanistannewscenter.com/news/2001/june/jun2c2001.html (I predicted this one in a posting at another alternative-news forum)
Tonight is 29,820 days (71 times 420 days) after that 1933 Long Beach earthquake, and 18,480 days (44 times 420 days) after that 1964 Alaska earthquake and Tsunami. See that 420 day cycle? It is mentioned in the Bible in the 11th Revelation, 420 is one-third of the 1260 days associated in the prophecy with major earthquakes. One-third of 420 is the aforementioned 140 days....
2. Tonight is the same in the prophetic "Mayan/Aztec" 260-day count as the Great New Madrid Earthquake at 3:15 AM 16 December 1811, tonight is 74,100 days later which is 285 times 260. So it is the same in a 100-day cycle as well: 60,000 days after the New Madrid quake, two sharp jolts shook....New Madrid region, on March 25, 1976, 14100 days ago:
a. TEIC 1976/03/25 00:41:20.5000 (6:41 PM CST) 35.59000 -90.48000 15.0000 Magnitude 5.0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 D lg 60010379 TEIC catalog event
b. TEIC 1976/03/25 01:00:11.9000 (7:00 PM CST) 35.61000 -90.48000 15.0000 Magnitude 4.5 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 D lg 60010380 TEIC catalog event
I really wondered what might happen on August 11, 2003, because that was 70,000 days after the Great New Madrid Earthquake. The day came and went without a major earthquake, but six months (half a year cycle) later TO THE MINUTE (3:15 AM EST), a historic major earthquake struck Jerusalem, Israel, damaging buildings in Bethlehem, on the Temple Mount and the congressional building, the Knesset:
a. http://www.spiritandtruthministries.org/Spirit%20and%20Truth%20Ministries/Israel%20Bible%20Prophecy/Dome%20of%20the%20Rock%202004%20Earthquake.html
b. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1075858/posts
c. http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/88/mb-5-1-Dead-Sea-11-02-2004
That's impressive! This helps boost my opinion that the Great New Madrid Earthquake of December 1811 may be mentioned in the Bible, the great earthquake which happens "when Gog and Magog" comes against God's people.
Ezekiel 38:18 This is what will happen in that day: When Gog attacks the "land of Israel"...I declare that at that time there shall be a great earthquake in the "land of Israel."
Hmmm...The War of 1812, featuring an invasion of the U.S. by the British, began with a Congressional declaration of war almost exactly six months after the Great New Madrid Earthquake of December 16, 1811:
"The conflict began formally on June 18, 1812, when Madison signed the measure into law and proclaimed it the next day..."
3. November 1, 2014 is 259 years (7 times 37) since the Great Lisbon earthquake and tsunami of November 1, 1755.
4. In lieu of a physical ground-shaking earthquake, the just-mentioned cycles may indicate an "earthshaking" event, such as what is unfolding right now in the West African nation of Burkina Faso...(talk about sociological metaphors for an earthquake!)