for bringing this topic up again
it is a worthwhile cause
I'm an advocate for parents
who have had a child addicted
the pain it can cause
I have one addicted to cocaine
she is no longer using and we are
approaching a two year anniversary
the buckets of tears I have cried silently
the blame phase I went through
which was a vanity thing at one point, for me
I learned to never stop loving my daughter
and focus on the culprit
My daughter was not onto cocaine in high school
she is bright, quick witted, and owns an award for
top sales person for a company that has offices
across the country
As a result of her addition
Hubby and I have had the responsibility and care
of our granddaughter
she thrives, I can't say enough about how wonderful
it is to see her talents
at four she used these big long words in complete
context -- the result of this is
when we go to visit hubby's parents
they can hardly wait for her to arrive
We all laugh as they comment
that hubby and I are boring
Everyone is included in decision making for her
including Mom
she is an Ace student and avid reader
pleasant to be around
and has an impeccable ability to care for others
she spent the summer with her Mother
who has just and a new baby sister July 28th
We get to have her in our care for next couple of years
everyone is fine with this, including missy
enough bragging
the seriousness of fentanyl is
your child may never have done drugs
they might be a designated drive
and some creep drops it in your soda
the making of the chemicals is a whole
different ballgame in the thinking process
We could use the scientific problem solving solution
the sass disorder
and and
it ought not to be made
it is killing even the innocent
one would think
that would be an indicator of
It having no value