Settle in to watch the debates of the want to be top tyrant.
I will pass.
Why are the sheeple cheering for their favorite oppressor?
Yes! my oppressor will use a softer rope to hang me!
Yes! my oppressor will be harsher on the other slaves!
When has voting gained the people more freedom?
You can not stop the tyranny at the ballot box because the people that control the ballot box have already made the decision for you. When you register ANYTHING, you give up the right to it. You give up any rights when you register to vote.
This kabuki theater you are forced to experience every four years is to keep you agitated and divided in order to keep control over you. Voting just gives legitimacy to their tyranny. What if nobody voted? Could the "powers that SHOULD NOT be" legitimately have ANY authority over you?
Your vote only chooses Electors and they have NO obligation to vote according to the popular vote. The Electors voted against the popular vote several times in the past including the recent Gore/Bush race. Twice the vote went to the House of Representative. Only the Elite Nobility Class chooses the new plantation owner. Why should you participate in your own oppression or destruction?