every time I watch tv
I get anxious and I feel tenseness
I could clinch my teeth
I watched the debate for what the MSM
are doing --- on purpose -- for a purpose
I watched the next morning after
to certain news sites
and mid morning could not take anymore
mind control
as I said I watched the debate for info
and what the MSM would use against
each candidate
goldie locks can do no harm
this station is whacked
and I have yet to hear them say something nice
about Trump
they won't mention wikileaks and will cut
the person off -- if they continue to speak
they won't mention the Haiti money from
the earthquake and the Clinton Foundation
and the other one of the tag team foundations
handling the Haiti money
one news story in Canada
had people not willing to contribute to Haiti
after the hurricane
I'm in my childish adult mind tonight
and just have to ask a question
Is it about Haiti
Haiti is part of an Island they share
with Dominican Republic
How did Dominican Republic make out
they are not asking for help
they are not in the news
It's a miracle
and this hurricane pasted gently thru the waters
to only take out Haiti
Oh my
and so close to the devil's triangle
450 million
and in some news
only 6 or 7 houses got built
I didn't make this stuff up