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Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 15, 2016

Posted By: TruthSeeker12
Date: Friday, 16-December-2016 14:50:23

Sananda December 15, 2016
Disclosure - Banking and Currency (not channeled)
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 15, 2016

2:35:00 AM Intel, News
Restored Republic via a GCR Dec. 15 2016

Compiled 15 Dec. 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com; Author, “Twenty Two Faces,” www.22faces.com.

Judy Note: In this Gary Larrabee and Kent Dunn interview on Dec. 14 2016 Video: Gary Larrabee — Kent Dunn Reports CIA Satanic Forces Organizing to Control Electoral College Vote, Dunn alleges that the state of Utah, “Mormons'” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Mitt Romney are part of a CIA-organized Satanic force to control the Electoral College. These statements are offensive, an affront to honest people (including all Utahns and members of the over 16 million-strong LDS Church), completely untrue, have no factual basis, and even liable. For over 26 years I have personally reported and worked on Satanic crime (Satanic Crime and the Cabal are one and the same) with certain individuals in the Utah Attorney General’s Office and LDS Church hierarchy. I know of no state, nor religion, which have worked harder and longer to eliminate the Cabal from their ranks. As far as Mitt Romney goes, it is my opinion that if not for the Soros-owned computer program that runs US voting machines, Romney would have, and in fact actually did, win the last election against Barak Obama. I often think of how different our wonderful country would be today had the Cabal not stole that election, as they evidently have done so many times before. For Kent Dunn to say such unfounded statements against the greate state of Utah, LDS Church and Mitt Romney makes me wonder what other so-called “intel” he has reported as fact and that perhaps he, or at least his sources, could very well be Cabal implants. If Dunn were one of my 30 children-grandchildren, he would be due for a very long come-to-grandma one-to-one about the importance of honesty and integrity. I urge you to study all intel and do your own research. We have enough problems to deal with around the Cabal without spreading innuendos and adding their outright lies to the mix (which is part of their programming geared to create chaos).

A. Dec. 14 2016 7:46 pm EST TNT Call RayRen98: TNT RayRen’s Showtime CC Notes by Adept1 12-14-16
1. Everything is still going according to schedule.

2. We are still looking for this week.

3. The bank folks are calling people in for update appointments, re-affirming and expecting to exchange their clients on Thurs. Dec. 15 and Fri. Dec. 16 2016.

4. The Iraqi Budget is going through (The Dinar is the kingpin of the GCR, so the Iraqi Budget – which is based on the new Dinar rate – being approved means the GCR is official), so we wait today and tomorrow, and that will let us know what kind of call we have on Friday.

5. I have heard some people say their banker told them that the Dinar Market Rate was $7 on the screen. My own banking sources cannot see the screen rate at the moment.

6. The general feeling is for it to happen this week. Members’ bankers are saying ‘this week’, ‘by Christmas’ and ‘before the end of the year.’ Presumably they are responding to information that they are receiving. There is high expectation.

7. I don’t know of anything else that needs to be said or done. I don’t know that there is a hold-up. This timing may be according to the plan.

8. I know this is done. When it’s public/live, whether there are 800 numbers or not, we will let you know so that you can handle your business.

B. Dec. 14 2016 TNT Update Beethovin: TNT UPDATE, 14 DEC Ray says it’s time to go, Bruce says it’s time to go, Frank says it’s time to go, and Ralph says it’s time to go.

C. Dec. 13 2016 5:38 pm EST TNT Chat NetGlobal: “Dec. 15th to 31st” – Tues. AM TNT Thoughts Frank26 says somewhere between Dec 15 – 31. Dr. Clarke says the same. Rayren says anytime now and that Hill Critter (Mountain Goat) is saying it will happen in Jan. 2017.

D. Dec. 14 2016 9:57 am EST WSOMN:
1. “The Exit Sign” – WSOMN AdminBill Intel 4:30 AM MST 12-14-16 AdminBill: Good morning WSOMN and ships at sea because it appears we are preparing to tie up to the pier. I believe it is safe to say that the Polar Express is about ready to pull into the station and Okie’s plane has landed and taxied into the terminal. Keep a sharp eye out for the next exit sign.

2. “Bank Confirmed Christmas Currency” – WSOMN LibertyBelle LibertyBelle: My bank, TD confirmed it at 5 ESTtoday Dec. 13 2016, that the Christmas currency is in the vault and their branch just transferred a financial manager in. This branch does not deal with FC (foreign currency). Confirmed to my ears after 2 years of them not knowing. They were bug-eyed telling me it’s real. I just smiled! They just kept saying, “You were right. OMG, you’re right”. LOL

E. Dec. 14 2016 1:17 am EST Geopolitical Overview: Geopolitical Overview – Wednesday – December 14, 2016Right at this moment we are witnessing all the banks and call centers prepping for a pre-Christmas revaluation of currencies and historic bond gift at anytime.

F. Dec. 13 2016 Bruce’s The Big Call:

1. The Global Currency Reset will likely be close to Christmas,

2. Both the Internet Group & Prosperity Packages will go at the same time

3. There are 6,800 redemption centers in North America to handle our exchanges (which will be approximatly 1 hour each).

4. There is a back wall and it is only a couple of days away.

5. The GCR can go at any time.

6. Everything has been done in Iraq. The lower denominations are already out and in ATM machines, and Q cards are loaded.

7. There has been good progress against ISIS

8. Yesterday, Dec. 12 2016, they were exchanging currencies in Israel and possibly in other parts of the world.

9. Monday morning Dec. 12 and today Dec. 13, large tranches of money went out. A large one is moving tonight (Dec. 13) to hydrate our accounts.

10. The Transition Agreement (to initiate our exchanges) was agreed upon yesterday Dec. 12 2016.

11. The 800 numbers have been dispersed, but we don’t have them yet.

12. Everything is done, including out West. Bonds have been paying out and transacting.

13. The IMF announced that currency rates would not change on Dec. 15 (as would be normal), but would change on Dec. 29. (Which tells us that they want rate changes to be kept quiet).

14. If you want to adopt a community, create jobs and build up the infrastructure in that certain area, Bruce is organizing that through an organization titled “Build America.”

G. Dec. 14 2016 1:15 am EST Venz: “Hard Truth” – Guest Post by Venz
1. For proof seekers, you will not see it today. Just enjoy the intels and updates.

2. The GCR/RV is already rolling. What are we waiting for? Time and syncronicity.

3. The ones you heard before that being paid and with NDA, they don’t have a cash out. All will go together, even with the humanitarian side like Zap.

4. The NDA is to protect the process and is an agreement that you will not be using your wealth for terrorism and harmful drugs.

5. As for currency holders: The internet group, your intel providers, will surely go first.

6. Once your intel providers go they will have a very limited info to tell you.

7. Veritas, Yosef, Zap will surely get paid first. That is the reason for the dates before.

8. There will be formal and official announcement. They called it The Event.

9. The Event will match with the holiday season around the globe – where people are spending their money and time everywhere and anywhere; where celebrations, announcements and gift giving abound.

10. What about the January 2017? It is the beginning of service to humanity.

11. Expect more disclosure after the Event.

12. Those who have NDAs will not feel guilty when disclosure starts.

13. Those former dates you thought were failures – they were not a failed dates. A lot of things happened during those dates, and it silenced those who professed that they were the “gods of wealth”.

14. This is my last post.

15. My gratitude I give to Dinar Chronicles, Yosef, Veritas, Zap, Bruce, Tank, Spirit Warrior, TZX, Fisher, and everybody who provided information behind the scenes. You are devoted souls in the service of your fellowmen and humanity. Your selfless efforts should possess us always. Salute. Venz

H. Dec. 14 2016 1:11 pm EST News from Wells Fargo: “Very Important News from WF” – Anonymous Guest Post
1. I was told by the Wells Fargo Currency Exchange Division that as of today Dec. 14 2016 they will be selling out all of their currency to a contract company and will not be accepting any more foreign currency because of the liability they would have on the return.

2. Wells Fargo will not be receiving any more foreign currency by the beginning of the year.

3. They will be doing a contract with other banks or wealth management companies to do foreign currency and the exchange.

4. Last night on the big call Bruce said that Wells Fargo was still in line with doing the exchange but according to my Intel and my bank in Texas, they will not be doing the exchange.

I. Dec. 14 2016 8 am EST New Paradigm Stewardship: To The New Paradigm Stewardship On 12/13
1. Some 25,000 ZIM holders and thousands more currency holders are trying to fund worthwhile Humanitarian Projects and Job Creation endeavors from their own family and small realm of current friends and local contacts. This is not only going to be a disorganized mess, but will take decades and far too long to effectively transform our world.

2. It’s time to join forces and get organized. We need a very high level executive team of people who can act as managing directors over what must be accomplished to the benefit of our inherent success.

3. We now have a very special and highly intelligent plan to coordinate efforts and then work together.

4. We are about to meet at our redemption exchanges and then disappear into a high security private forum together with the best high security communications technology in the world.

5. Contact us at Managing Director, new Paradigm Stewardship Foundations: NewParadigmStewardship@gmail.com

J. GCR Update Dec. 14 2016 1:17 am EST: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 14, 2016

K. Dec. 14 2016 10:34 pm EST Zap mid-week Report Poofness: ZAP’s Mid-Week Report – The Office of POOFness – 12.14.16

1. Overnight many events took place and we have success.

2. The funds release occurred today Dec. 14 2016.

3. Tomorrow Dec. 15 2016 they will process all the transfers going out.

4. On Friday Dec. 16 2016 the first funds will be sent to our paymaster.

5. It was very close to blowing up, but things settled down.

6. In global matters the RV and GCR prospects are rapidly coming to a head with certain dates being bandied about, but due to the delays we have had do not expect these things to occur until the new year.

7. This is just common sense as we are too close to Christmas to have this happen this year and all the guys who are doing it want their holiday time.

8. Wikileaks Julian Assange is having some very strong material published that will spark a great interest, not only from law enforcement, but hopefully from the public.

9. The revelations coming out as the extent of the rape and pillage of our humanity is truly extraordinary. These whistleblowers are to be hailed as heroes, not killed off.

L. Dec. 14 2016 11:10 pm EST: “Re: Payout Senatorial” – Guest Post by G “Payout Senatorial” – Guest Post by Rick Sarbo According to Yosef the sovereign rate for the IQD was $256.00. The IQD notes (3 zero) we exchange in the US will be destroyed, and exchanged at full face value. Have a Humanitarian plan outline, talk passionately about it and ask for at least a $256 rate on the Dinar.

Judy Note #2 for Dec. 14 2016: In my book “Twenty Two Faces” six year-old Jenny Hill claimed that she was tortured and witnessed a human sacrifice overseen by a Nazi mind control agent brought into the US by the CIA: http://www.youtube.com/wat?v=F626Lsrdwg4. Through her biography Hill helped to expose a centuries-old International Child Sacrifice Ring run by Cabal global elites. This child exploitation ring has also been uncovered through work of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State and more recently, the Pizzagate Scandal as per articles: http://beforeitsnews.com/contributor/pages/243/590/stories.html. We will be eternally grateful for those heros who bravely fight this Ninth Circle Satanic Cult and their ongoing rape, torture and murder of innocent children. These heros included the “White Hats,” Kevin Annett’s ITCCS and Tim Ballard’s Operation Underground Railroad. You are invited to help eradicate this unthinkable child exploitation and sex trafficking by donating your time and/or funds to the ITCCS: Welcome to ITCCS.ORG and The International Tribunal into Crimes of … and Operation Underground Railroad: Operation Underground Railroad.


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