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Creator, Porda, Ohmnipure: Disclosure and NESARA

Posted By: Liam77
Date: Wednesday, 25-January-2017 14:52:52

Full Message: https://eraoflight.com/2017/01/25/creator-porda-ohmnipure-disclosure-and-nesara/


After dealing with flexible energies and various beings in creations for billions of years, the lesson that I learned is to always include time flexibility in the application of all my decrees. There are terms earthlings use in association of the work of Creator or God, that is “instant miracle”, or “instant accomplishment”, or “instant manifestation” of the final results whenever Creator, or God decided to do something. That thinking is far from the truth. When instant miracles happen, it may be a result of a long time silent, or subconscious prayer of a person to the universe or spirit. Then, when that being verbalizes the need, the answer has been provided long in response to the subconscious wish or intent before the verbal request is made. So yes, there are a lot of parts to something happening. Right now, as the energy builds on earth for the RV, it shows right now on the screen of energies that the RV could, and let me be clear, that it could happen between January 25th and February 20th, 2017. These dates are not ground in stone due to the free will actions of those involved. However, right now the energy is showing strong potential. There is a focus of energies, which starts to grow in momentum for their announcement between the dates given. One thing that is clear is that the RV will happen at some point.

The NESARA and the disclosure is still being prepared to be announced in due time. It will happen, but again it is about the readiness of humanity. It also will coordinate with the RV as well as other events that will stir the people into action calling openly for the disclosure to take place. People will be fed up with all their governments and will demand precise actions concerning the openness of the disclosure and NESARA.

As I said, there is also great disappointment in the fact that the proposed free will suspension did not happen, and there seem to be so many empty promises made by many beings. First of all Creator has never called itself Prime Creator. Creator has said that the name Prime Creator is something that was brought up by people to try and make a distinction between God and Creator and other beings of high accord. Creator said that I am called Creator, however it does not matter to me if someone chooses to call me Prime Creator for their own reasoning. The being Ohmnipure spoke about free will:


“As you can still see on your news, and see around you, people are doing what they want to do and what pleases them especially in doing negative work or bad things.

It is interesting to note that the date of January 14, 2017 was the given date that supposedly “Prime” Creator was to suspend the free will on earth. It did not happen. Instead of accepting that, people kept changing the date in hopes that it would take place.

However, when the vibration of the population becomes very high, there is a term that is sometimes used called Zero Point that can be used to explain the idea that is being conveyed through the suspension of the free will idea. When the Earth as a whole and its population will attain Zero Point vibration, people will become suddenly awakened to loving everybody, and people will stop being attracted to thinking, enjoying and doing evil.”

Creator why are people calling you Prime Creator?


“In various languages utilized on earth, the word creator is synonymous to manufacturer, inventor, maker, builder, constructor, fabricator and so forth. Recently, when many light-workers realized that when they want to talk about the Creator of this Universe, using the simple term Creator, minds of people who are not well versed in semantics would misrepresent in their language or communications the meaning of Creator, thus the new term The Prime Creator was fashioned.

While this term describes my job, it does not offend me or misrepresent me. So I tolerate it, although I would like to be referred to as Creator. With time and good teachings all will come to that simple truth that I am Creator without other attachments to my title.”

In closing I want to make it clear once again, there is no fault, or blame on anyone for this event being predicted, or that it did not take place. Please do not blame the messenger, and do not blame Zorra. I see that there have been a lot of negative comments about Zorra. Zorra is a highly evolved being and a very wonderful loving being. He is known throughout the universe for his wisdom and his service to Creator. One day people will get to know the real true Zorra and not be misled by such negative talk.

My intention today was to share with you some of what is taking place in hopes that it can bring some peace to all of you that read this message.


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