The Greatest Threat to Humanity is the
Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
There is a major danger that civilizations face in this generation that the public is not fully aware of, and that is the proliferation (spreading abroad) of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). The politicians and the militaries are aware of this real danger but the general public and the news media does not have a clue just how dangerous this is for our future. Perhaps the government has a reason why they down play the risk so the people won't panic. And, there is the possibility that the government doesn't want to discuss the issue openly for fear it would give more terrorists the ideas on how to attack cities. Whatever the reasons the information has not been revealed to the public, I feel that people need to be aware of what we actually face today.
I won't detail exactly what those risks are, but they are divided into several categories - nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC). Standard explosives aren't categorized as an WMD. A WMD is a relative small size and can be transported easily and creates massive deaths - and are the greatest challenge to our societies. In the hands of radical terrorists - WMDs can cause huge amount of casualties in a widespread area, and the nation is unable to defend citizens effectively or to identify who the enemy is and defend against them. In this regard I believe modern governments have a herculean job to prevent attacks for WMDs and protect our societies.
To prevent a WMD from being used is the key to success in this war against terror. To do that job it is imperative that a government must use every intelligence tool at their disposal to monitor possible threats and stop them from happening. When this is done there have been new laws passed like the Patriot Act that gave the government special powers to seek out the threats. The cry baby liberals were complaining this is a violation of rights. But the truth is, if the government focuses on the threats and does not overreach and exploit those laws to subjugate the people - those laws and actions are fully justified.
I heard about the complaints the liberals made against G.W. Bush after the patriot Act was installed, but I did not see any abuses of that law. It was focused on finding threats against the nation, and this is where the public must allow the government to do its job in defending the nation.
Just because the average citizen doesn't know about any threats - doesn't mean there are no threats. If rogue nations like North Korea are allowed to spread WMDs there is no city safe, no nation safe, no human being safe from being destroyed. Unless the governments prevent an attack from happening - cities around the world could be targeted and hundreds of millions of lives could be lost. The break out of total, widespread terrorist attacks would forever alter societies and throw the earth into chaos. Don't think it can't happen - it can happen and will happen, unless it is stopped.
In this regard I feel that governments must take all possible to prevent that from happening. But, so far the war against terrorism has only been fought on a piece meal basis. Many nations and their secret agencies have actually funded and armed terrorist to fight wars and cause terrorism for ulterior motives. Then afterwards when they are through with those mercenary terrorists they get rid of them or allow them to be destroyed by other enemies. They use them as pawns, like they did with Noriega, and Osama Bin Ladin and many others. They finance and arm leaders to go to war or do acts of terror, then once the objective is reached they hope that leader will continue to do as he is told - and if he doesn't, they get rid of him and his followers. Which begs the question who is really responsible then for the 911 attack? Who is is really responsible for the rise of the North Korean communist nation? Who is actually responsible for the rise of ISIS? Who is responsible for the coup in Ukraine? There are forces at work here beyond our understanding and control. The conspirators in specific areas are using terrorists to accomplish the New World order Agenda and create chaos - but then try to harness them after the dirty deeds are done. In the meantime the world is speeding towards the ultimate disaster - which is the spread of weapons of mass destruction.
It is difficult for a rational person to understand and comprehend why someone would be so radical and extreme to consider the use of WMDs. We tend to look at the world from our own viewpoint and use our own logic in coming to conclusions. But, the truth is the radicals that think of using WMDs have a totally different mindset. They have a cause they are fighting for and will use any means necessary to create as much havoc and anarchy as possible. That means they have lost their humanity and have no qualms about killing innocent people. In their minds the governments, societies and civilizations of the world are all the enemy. To fight against that ideology - governments must leave no stone unturned to locate the terrorists and prevent them from carrying out their psychotic schemes. However, after they have accomplished that goal, then there is a real danger of that government using its powers to exercise total control over the citizens. But, when you look at the dangers we face, on balance, it is essential that the public get behind our government so they can take care of the danger at hand, then later deal with restoring full Constitutional rights again. As long as the government does not over step its bounds towards the people, they are operating under the spirit of the Constitution in a legal and lawful manner. It is all too easy to make broad accusations and condemnations against the government when in fact they are using restraint all a long and protecting us more than we will ever know.
Our responsibilities as Americans is to educate ourselves to common threats and come up with our own plan on how to protect ourselves from terrorism. We should get away from the urban areas which are close to the cities and have an evacuation plan and a location or two in mind in case of any emergencies or attacks. We should have a few items in our vehicles, like flashlights, matches, water, food bar snacks, and an emergency blanket.
I realize that many secret agencies are carrying on operations that support terrorists in some countries. But those operations, as bad as they are, are compartmentalized and done in a different level or category by a variety of conspirators. But, the overall conclusion still remains that the greatest threat we face is the proliferation of WMDs. We can deal with corrupt power hungry politicians and rogue agencies later once the threat of WMDs have been neutralized.
George Eaton
Update on the Hotspots of the Middle East and North Korea
I am very surprised that the war did not break out in North Korea so far. Judging by the amount of rhetoric Trump and his team gave out and the money spent on positioning military assets close to North Korea - it was obvious they were going to make a military move. But, it looks like Trump was waiting for China to make moves against North Korea. It appears that the aircraft carriers, at least two of them, have left the area and announced the military exercises are over for this year. This may be a ruse to see if North Korea will try something more provocative while the ships are leaving the area. Time will tell what happens next.
The situation in the middle East is heating up with US, UK, Israel and Jordanian forces making their way into Syria on the Southern border. Fighting is on-going in several locations between US proxy armies and the Syrian and Russian forces. There was a rush to take Syrian forces to the South Eastern border next to Iraq. And, as the Syrian troops were within 40 kilometers the US bombed them from fighter jets. However, that did not stop them, and they kept pouring through and made it to the border and have that entire region liberated and defended. There is also an encircling action taking place now by Syria and Russian forces that may surround a group of US troops in that desert area.
The estimate for ISIS fighters killed in the past year or so from Russia and Syrian forces is about 20,000. Many of the ISIS terrorists have fled Syria, changed their identities, shaved their beards and left the battlefields. Some are still fighting in a few areas in Syria and remote areas in Iraq, and others have fled to Afghanistan. But for the most part they have been decimated, split up, their finances from stolen oil stopped, their supply lines cut off and their bases destroyed. Also, in the past few weeks Israel, the US, UK, and Jordanian forces plus a few other foreign armies, have converged for what appears to be a future invasion into Syria. The agenda, according to analysts seems to be the take over of Damascus - and to prevent the other Syrian troops - which are hundreds of miles away from Damascus - from coming to save Assad from being captured or deposed.
We have about 2,000 US troops deep inside Syria, mostly in the northern areas of Syria. (The exact number is not released to the public) The US troops are working with the rebel armies(SDF), including the Kurds, that are fighting against Assad. The Kurds are determined to carve out a large portion of the northern Syria to create a new nation called Kurdistan. US forces are also occupying an area near Ar Raqqa around a dam, which is preventing the Syrian forces from converging on that area and taking out ISIS. US forces in Iraq along with Iraqi troops are in the final mop up stages against ISIS in northern Iraq around Mosul, and there have been official announcements that the battle for Mosul is over.
It appears that Israel and US /NATO forces did not expect Russia to continue its support of Syria. Instead of Russia continuing to evacuate Syria after a year of destroying ISIS targets, Russia has instead increased the air war, along with missile attacks against targets, and brought in more Russian ground troops. In fact Russia launched several missiles attacks on ISIS targets in the past weeks from submarines and battleships. Russia also warned the US and Israel not to interfere with military operations in Syria which were on-going military operations to eradicate ISIS. It is unclear how the US and Israel will respond to these latest moves by Russia and Syria.
About 3 weeks ago Israel and its proxy army of Al Qaeda terrorists launched a bold attack on Damascus itself. The Syrian army was able to repel the attack and those that weren't killed fled back south into Jordan and Lebanon. In the mean time, Israel and its many mercenary terrorist groups, along with US forces set up bases and staged large numbers of military equipment on the Jordan side of the border and also in Lebanon. Satellite photos of those encampments have been shown to the public many times, but the main stream media didn't pick up on the accounts. After those encampments were established, the US, Jordan and Israel sent in a group of special forces exploratory groups to set up a staging area for an invasion. This was noticed by Syria and Russia and they responded by sending in ground troops and fighter jets to confront those troops, and that is where there has been a confrontation in Daraa, Syria - not far from the Jordanian border.
Unless the US and its allies are willing to carry out a huge military offensive into Syria, it appears that Syria and Russia has stopped them from converging their troops to invade Syria and surround Damascus. Perhaps these are just probing actions to see how the Syrian forces respond. But, whatever the case may be, so far the offensive moves against Syria have been blocked at every turn by Assad's army and the Russians.
In other parts of the country, the actions the US are taking in northern Syria doesn't seem to be much of a threat to Syria. The US did not get permission to come into Syria, and are there illegally. And, the pretense that they are there to fight against ISIS is 100% false. They have not been fully engaged in attacking ISIS terrorists by any stretch of the imagination, but in fact have opened up corridors for them to retreat and regroup in other areas. The Kurds on the other hand have fought against ISIS at times, and pushed them out of areas and then taken over.
So, the ISIS fighters purged the land of Syrian control, then the Kurds and the US with them push out ISIS and take over those territories. In reality, ISIS was the created shock troops by a consortium of nations to do their dirty work and destroy nations - so the globalists can then come in and pretend to be the saviors and heroes and "liberate" Syria - to be carved up and Balkanized for new puppet governments. It is all one big contrived conspiracy.
The big question is, how far are they willing to go to complete their agenda in the middle East? Will Putin have to threaten a nuclear war to maintain the defense of Syria? There is also the question of what will happen next in Ukraine. If the US helps the coup government of Ukraine launch an offensive against Russia troops in east Ukraine and Crimea, will that action spread Russia too thin? There is another question as well, and that is the economic situation in Russia - will they be able to maintain their economic strength and be solvent in the face of wars on two fronts or more? How long can Russia withstand the onslaught of this offensive warfare against them? It was well known during the Obama administration that the military and political experts in the US felt that Russia would be worn down by economic sanctions and military attrition. This is why they simply let Russia spend their wad of money and deplete their forces on the war in Syria, thinking that they would simply have to withdraw in time anyway for lack of will and money to continue. But, that has not been the case. And, Russia is still there and seems to be just as determined to defend Syria and Ukraine as ever before.
It is not easy to determine what will happen next. There is a lack of new information coming out of the hot spots around the world. The political mess in Washington recently has added to the cloud of confusion. As things stand now the hot spots can still erupt into a shooting war in the Middle East, Ukraine and the Korean Peninsula. However, it appears the situation In North Korea has subsided somewhat. It is obvious Trump was hoping that China would play a larger role against North Korea. But all China did was stop a few joint building projects with them for a while and also cancelled a order of coal from North Korea, and instead bought coal from the US. In my opinion that was a ruse by China to make the West think they were actually doing something against the rogue state of North Korea. As it stands now Trump sees that nothing happened and if anything is going to be done about the North Korean menace the US will have to get it done themselves.
However, it remains to be seen if the new liberal leadership in South Korea is willing to allow such an attack on the Northern communist state. Many of the liberal/socialist South Koreans are hoping that if they appease the North Koreans and get rid of weapons that there will no longer be any threats from the communists in the North. Nothing could be further from the truth. If the US ever pulls out of South Korea, in time the North Koreans will invade South Korea exactly as North Viet Nam did to South Viet Nam. But, how can the US stay in South Korea if the people and the government don't want them there any longer?
The communist regime in North Korea has been allowed to grow and fester over many decades to the point that now it will require a massive knock out blow to eliminate the threat - and the threat of the proliferation of WMDs. It is quite possible that the only way to truly prevent North Korea from retaliation would be the use of tactical nukes. Once that happens there is no guarantee that some form of retaliation would take place against US cities and other targets like South Korean cities, Japan, and US bases in the region. This means that threats are growing in the world, not subsiding.
George Eaton