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Common Ground Independent Media

Brief Updates on Global Hotspots

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Sunday, 13-August-2017 00:11:57

The situation appears to be the same with North Korea. We are in a holding pattern waiting to see if North Korea will launch missiles towards Guam. The focus has been on dates around the 15th of August. There have been more verbal attacks from both sides but nothing new or different than we heard the past week.It appears that through the Chinese statements in a communist newspaper - China will launch a military attack on the US military if we go after Kim Jong Un to remove him from power.

And, China will not lift a finger to stop North Korea from launching a nuclear attack on the US, our bases and Japan.
Trump is seriously considering more action against China regarding trade restrictions and tariffs, because of their lack of support in standing against North Korea. China has been given a pass on its companies stealing patented products and copying music and movie videos, plus numerous other illegal trade activities. This could lead to a trade war and tariffs on Chinese products, and make misc. goods in Walmart go up in price.

The protests in Virginia has defenders of Confederate statues against the liberals, socialists, black lives matter and communists. In the confrontation someone drove a car at counter protestors(anti-racists) and killed one and injured 30. This is a huge media victory for anti-Confederate protestors and the liberal media to condemn Confederate statues and the so called "white supremacists" involved in the protest. This may incite more anti white riots and new laws that will target whites as "domestic terrorists".

The news media along with experts being interviewed on the global hot spots are continuously dropping the "Iran connection" with North Korea and the global menace. This is to plant the seed in the mind of the public for the need to go after Iran after the conflict with North Korea is started. The globalist agenda is to launch a war against Iran to pacify that region for the security of Israel and the control of oil and gas resources. The ultimate, long term goal is to destroy China and Russia at all costs to fully establish a New World Order. It is possible that the up coming conflict with North Korea may draw in China at the same time. If China makes any aggressive moves against the US, the US and other forces will launch an all out attack against China as well. This would include nuclear warfare. The confrontation with North Korea may see the US losing some military bases over seas and the possible loss of a city by a nuclear missile. We may also see terrorists attacks in the US even after we destroy North Korea's military abilities. Those terrorists attacks could be in the form of blown up bridges, destruction of the electric grid, hitting nuclear power plants, chemical attacks and germ warfare. If China decides to defend north Korea the war would go to a higher stage of danger against the US and the mainland. It is not likely we would stop all of their intercontinental nuclear missiles. This all seems a bit crazy and irrational for China to make those moves, but judging by their own statements and policies this is the direction it may go. In a recent national display of the Chinese military statements were made in their news media that "they were ready to go to war with the US". There is also a conflict brewing on a border dispute between India and China which could escalate into a shooting war.

In the Middle East Syria and Russia is converging on the last strong hold of ISIS. Syria has retaken control of their borders along Iraq and Jordan and appear to be in good shape to defend the nation from ISIS. The Kurds, which are mostly the SDF, Syrian Democratic Forces, have taken over northern Syria and may end up creating their own country in that region - unless Syria declares war against them. So far the conflicts between Syria and the Kurds have not taken place. Keep in mind the US has about 2,000 US troops fighting with the Kurds and the SDF. It does not appear that Israel, their Al Qaeda terrorist forces and Jordan, plus a collection of UK and US forces will be able to make a successful invasion towards Damascus at this time. But it still remains possible, and several bases are still in place on the Jordanian and Lebanon sides of the borders awaiting orders. Israel and the US have not given up their agenda to remove Assad from Syria and take over that nation. It is possible some kind of event could cause the US and their allies to invade Syria. This would incite a response from Russia, which may be exactly what the US is looking for anyway. Israel and the US is eager to pull in Iran into that war, simply because Iran is considered an eternal enemy of Israel and a menace to the stability of the Middle East. Keep in mind that a large amount of those fighting for Syria in this war are Hezbollah military groups which are reported to be supported, operated and financed by Iran. It is anybody's guess where all of this will go, but one thing is certain the stage is set for a major confrontation.

The US is still converging NATO tanks and military equipment on the border of Ukraine. There appears to be a build up of military assets that will help Ukraine defeat the Donbass defenders and their Russian volunteers that are hunkered down in East Ukraine. Those Ukrainians have declared that region as 'Little Russia" in English, and never accepted the authority of the coup government takeover in Kiev, Ukraine that ousted the elected president, who fled to Russia. That region is still in danger of blowing up into a full war, with the support of the US and NATO on the side of the coup plotters in Ukraine - that was financed by billionaire George Soros and the CIA to the tune of $ billions.
Keep in mind what we hear on the news media and from the bought and paid for politicians is all public theater. It is nearly impossible to know the full truth on what is really going on behind the scenes. I don't find it wise or discrete for Americans to involve themselves in any protests or major political activity in our nation any longer. Those public activities only targets you for actions by a nation that has been hijacked by ultra liberals and has lost its way through mass deception. The order of the day is to avoid confrontations at all costs. Hunker down in your area and have options for emergencies or evacuation. Stay alert and have some supplies to get through food distribution disruptions and power outages.

George Eaton


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