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Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Sunday, 22-October-2017 19:31:52

Nov./Dec. 2014


(The following article is what I wrote 2 days after the shooting. I held back from writing anymore on the event until the police investigation could gather more facts to arrive at a conclusion. At the end of this article I will add what else has been discovered.GE)

The tragic shooting in Las Vegas is the largest mass shooting in US history. There were 59 dead and 527 wounded and it could have been much worse. The big question everyone has is what was this man's motive? This is what everyone wants to know so they can figure out what would motivate a person to do such a horrible act. Others think it was a huge conspiracy to create an uproar to ban guns. Others think he was part of ISIS and Antifa, the communist group that has been rioting with violence at recent protests. Some are saying that he may have been working for the shadow government through the CIA , or other covert agency to foment violence, chaos and revolution in America. Some are saying he was a patsy and he didn't do it at all. And, others did the shooting and they left his body there as a patsy, and the real shooters got away. One thing is certain, it was a horrible act of violence against innocent people that will live in infamy - and could have only been done by an insane individual.

It is much too early to draw any conclusions on this event, so all we can do is speculate and wait for the officials to find all the facts. But this is my conclusion so far from what I have learned:

This was done by one man from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay casino hotel. He had enough guns, 26 of them, that he didn't even need to reload, all he had to do was grab another gun and keep on shooting. He had cameras recording him as this event took place. He also had a camera of the hallway to warn him of the approaching SWAT team. He used a large hammer to bust out the windows to make the shots. The distance from his location and the open air concert was about 1,100 feet. He had a special device on the guns to make them fire like a machine gun. He wired $100,000 to his girl friend in the Philippines before the shooting took place. They found photos of her in the Middle East in the hotel room. There were also reports of Antifa and ISIS materials in the room. There may have been a note he left behind as well. He was a compulsive gambler and would play between $10k and $30k a day, and drank heavy as well. He spent months at a time living out of casino hotels rather than living at home, which he had several homes across the country. He was worth about $2 million and it is rumored he made his money in real estate. He did not talk to his neighbors or make friends with anyone and did not make friends at the health club. He had very little furniture in his home. His longest job and where he retired from was a government defense contractor Lockheed Martin - as an accountant. In my opinion this was an insane act - and an insane person and the acts they do cannot be rationalized, fully understood or explained. It is simply insane. Trying to find a documented reason why an insane person does what they do is foolhardy and an act of futility.
Was this an act of terrorism? It could be yes, but it is too early to say for sure. Perhaps he was recruited by ISIS and was enamored by the communist ideas of Antifa. This is yet to be proven 100%. Maybe he was unhinged and planned to go out of this life and take as many people with him a possible, as an insane act. Did he do this because of gambling losses? Not very likely, he no doubt was gambling within his means and so far we don't know of any big losses. He was well off financially, had more than one home and was not desperate for money. But the full picture of this is yet to be revealed. Was his wife involved to the point of knowing about this in advance? Maybe, that is being investigated. It seems like a set up to have her out of the country at the time of this event to make her look innocent. Was she a Muslim since she was from the Muslim country of Indonesia? It is very possible. It is also rumored that he was a rabid Trump hater and attended impeach Trump rallies. The fact that he targeted a group of people that were known to be conservative is also telling.

Was this a premeditated act? Yes it was, at least for a week or so it appears he planned this methodically and also to coincide with the concert called "the Harvest". There is a war going on between the left and the right in this nation and the violent acts by Antifa and the alt-left reveal this fact. The alt left have become radicalized by the self proclaimed communist groups namely the black block/Antifa groups that boldly attach themselves to the communist agenda of causing chaos and destroying democracy, which they call capitalism and fascism.
Was he prepared for this act through covert operations through the shadow government? It is possible, but too early to know for sure. At this time I would say there is only a shred of possibility in that direction but from what I know and don't know I would say no. Did he take part in military industrial complex schemes to make his extra money? It is very possible. It is often the case that after being in a position like that the extra money brought in is shielded, or washed through real estate transactions.

In my opinion this man was a crook, he was an alcoholic, he was a loner, he was too loose with his money and did not value friendships. He was dis-attached to others and their lives, and lived a cavalier, devil may care lifestyle. I also believe that he was a sociopath, which is a psychopath that has no remorse after they harm others. He was living under the radar because he did not show enough obvious signs of violence towards others. But it was real and under the surface nonetheless. Whatever his final motives for killing and harming all those people may never be fully known. But we do know he was insane and did an insane act. If he had any accomplices we need to find out the truth and seek them out. If he was financially or verbally supported to do this act we need to find out and expose those people and bring them to justice.

That is my conclusion at this time and I will continue to research this subject and share with my friends. But I will not write about this horrible act in vivid details in my newsletter. I refuse to sensationalize or write articles on the misery and suffering of others. It is simply not good ethics. But I will remind people of the cruelty of man towards others and that it needs to be exposed, prevented or stopped.

I was also struck by seeing the many photos of the people that were murdered, and how they were struck down in the prime of their lives. It reminded me of how vulnerable our nation is to larger wars like the upcoming conflict with North Korea. Multiply those 59 dead and 527 wounded by the thousands and even millions that would become victims in a nuclear war and you can see what we might face. This is the sudden emergency disaster we would experience, and just as sudden as this shooting at the music concert was for the victims.

For a full 3 minutes the crowd didn't scream, they didn't run, they laid down and did nothing. It was not in their band width to react and seek shelter. It was not on their radar that such a thing could happen. They were infected by the disease of "normalcy bias" and "cognitive dissonance" that prevents them from conceiving that such a thing could happen. They were the typical American citizens out celebrating and kicking up their heels, drinking, partying and smoking pot. This was the height of hedonism. They were living the high life until suddenly it all came crashing down as the bullets rained down on them. They were the perfect victims for this shooting, like lambs to the slaughter. If we are to survive as a people we can no longer remain complacent to what is going on in our nation politically. If we are to survive as a nation we must change our ways, seek out the evil that has invaded our land and start defending our culture or we will lose it all.

George Eaton

Conclusion and final thoughts; As soon as the shooting ended and the SWAT team busted into Paddocks hotel room, investigators and researchers went to work searching for all the answers. But, after 3 weeks of research everyone had more questions than answers. Most of all - a clear motive eluded them all. The time line of events is still shrouded in mystery and was changed by the police three times. But, as it looks now and from what they have released to us - it appears that Paddock had baby monitor cameras on a serving cart in the hall way, plus one set up on the door peep hole. This allowed him to see anyone coming towards his door. Once he saw Campos the security guard walking down the hallway he opened fire through the door with apx. 200 rounds, injuring Campos in the thigh. Immediately after that Paddock began shooting at the concert goers below. Campos then hollered to a maintenance engineer to take cover. They in turn called in the event and after a few minutes the police arrived and started evacuating people from that floor. The shooting lasted about 10 minutes, so by the time the police arrived there was no more shooting taking place. When the police breached the door they ether shot Paddock or he was already dead. Early reports - reportedly by a SWAT member - said they shot Paddock. Later the police said Paddock was found dead from a self inflicted wound and was already dead by the time they got there. Here are the unanswered questions:

How many rounds were fired from the two rooms, and how many in each room?

What type of bullet killed Paddock and where was he shot?

What caliper bullet injured Campos?

Why hasn't information been released on who else was in the room between the 25th and Oct.1st?

Why hasn't the information been released on the possibility of Antifa or ISIS literature in the room?

Why was Campos employment information nearly blank in the casino computers?

Who did Paddock see when he flew to Phoenix and rented a car back to Vegas?

Was Paddock working undercover with a government agency to sell guns, his cover blown and was double crossed by terrorists?

Was any of the 25 dummy corporations Paddock created involved with covert or illegal activities?

I won't be able to list all of the rumors that are being spread about this horrible event, But suffice to say it will create a cottage industry for conspiracy theorists for decades to come. There was also a rumor that a wealthy elite billionaire bought 'put' options on the MGM parent company of Mandalay Bay to the tune of $43 million, and made $73 million when this event happened. Another rumor stated that one of the share holders of MGM sold 80 to 90% of their stock in MGM the week before this event happened, which saved him $ millions in losses.
It appears that other reported shootings were false, and due to mass hysteria. It is possible there were other shooters from other locations, but in my opinion Paddock was the only shooter. There was an unusual prediction of this event recorded on a blog site called 4chan. The writer said 2 weeks in advance to avoid Las Vegas because there was going to be a mass casualty incident take place.(paraphrasing) And, that this would cause a metal detector company to get huge contracts to place metal detectors in all casinos, and other hotels throughout the US. That was the most stunning and chilling report I discovered that had a strong "follow the money" motive.

This could have been a politically motivated act, which could be considered terrorism. But it appears that Paddock was under strong medications from a valium drug and became deranged. The city of Vegas and the casino industry have a strong financial motive to minimize this event and allow things to go back to normal again. It is obvious the officials are with holding some information but we have no way of knowing if it crosses the line of police responsibility to share it publically or not. As far as I can tell we need to give the police and government officials the benefit of the doubt, unless more verifiable facts warrant further investigations. We may never know the exact motive for this attack, but one thing is certain the families, city and the nation have to move forward from here and do a better job of preventing these kind of tragedies from happening. We must resist the typical exploitive rhetoric of this terrible event, shamelessly used by politicians for political gain. It has been said that the liberals have a rule they go by, "never allow an emergency event go to waste". Americans need to be smart and to stand strong for the Constitution and not give up our rights. Or else, we will end up in a socialist global plantation commonly known as a new world order.

George Eaton


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