My Doomsday dreams are usually filled with chaos and mile high waves, or tsunamis covering the land...
Daylight and work came early for me, then I decided a quick mid day nap would feel wonderful. Particularly since my family had a long evening planned.. When I went to sleep, I dreamed of an older home that was strange to me, it wasn't mine.. It felt as if we all were hiding there .. Have not ever been there but the place had strong smells. It smelled like a closed up, older house with wallpaper. Sort of a musty-dusty smell .. The floors were very rough and the paint on the wood trim was not peeling but worn through... It looked clean but older.. There was a man there.. This wasn't a sexual dream but I knew him and had strong feelings for him, even though his lifestyle was a bit frightening..
He was a soldier, of sorts.. Not like an Army soldier but more like a revolutionary soldier. I remember not approving of some of their plans.. No one had on uniforms.. .. When I went into the room his men left and he was very tired..Sitting in a creaky, old wooden chair. He had Red rimmed eyes, 5 0'clock shadow and I could smell him.. Not a horrible bad smell but a good manly smell.. Rarely do my dreams have such details in them.. I could feel the cold wood on my bare feet, the sights, smells, Someone was cooking below in the kitchen. The emotions, all of it were so very real.. My sweater had holes in it and was a bit tattered as were everyone's clothes. When I woke up, it took me a moment to realize it didn't happen .. It felt that real.. !!!!
The reason I'm mentioning this is because you said your dream was so vivid.. Perhaps the universe let out a vivid dream sequence day or maybe the veil was a bit thinner today and we could see into another dimension.. ??!!?!!
Who knows..
: I haven't had a doomsday dream like this for some time, and it
: was particularly vivid/realistic.
: In a house I lived at in the mid 1970s, I went out front and
: saw that storm clouds to the West were more than storm
: clouds, they were black smoke and flames from some looming
: catastrophe, had the same "aura" as dark clouds
: surrounding an approaching tornado and nearby, a structure
: was burning in some bushes. I tried to get a decent camera,
: my cellphone camera wasn't ideal because it was twilight.
: Unlike the painting below, there was a lot of bright summer
: greenery and trees, with the black cloud's origin obscured
: by the treeline.