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Anatomy of a nonexistent war, Update on "The Marines landed in Langley" story

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Monday, 20-November-2017 10:51:01

After finding the story about marines landing in Langley I did a search for verification and found very little to back the story up. Numerous other sites picked it up but most of them were verbatim reports without confirmation or photos to verify the initial report. After letting the story sit for a few hours I did more checking on the original source and found that my original conclusion was correct, that the report or rumor was generated by people that were involved in the sovereignty movement, which is the idea we are under different jurisdictions which supersede the Constitution. They are a fringe group that falsely claims we can bypass the statute national laws by claiming we are under common law rather than the frame work of law called the universal commercial code(UCC). When you listen to their logic it becomes quite convoluted and complicated and it is not backed up by our court systems. It is a fraudulent basis of understanding that simply does not work against the laws of the land. Regardless how they explain it - in practice it does not work. They might cite some rare cases where they think it works, but when you study it through it never works and only causes citizens a lot of anguish and suffering fighting a losing battle in the courts. It is from that false premise of thinking that they are always looking for a pseudo replacement of the US government by "real government patriots" that will arrest the evil doers and force the nation to go back to a gold standard. This is wishful thinking.

I have followed what these groups have done for over 25 years and anyone that has followed their logic have had their lives ruined when they go up against the government. They get caught up into the letter of the law and punctuation, and the use of capital letters in documents, and the use of the gold fringe on the US flag, which all leads to the support of their false logic of being a sovereign citizen against the US government as a corporation. The truth is, even trying to delve into their reasoning and complex arguments is so mind bending and convoluted that in my opinion most people just follow what they say by assuming their complex logic is accurate. The group in Montana back in the 90s is a good example. They were holed up on a ranch for writing bad checks at banks on false money instruments called 'warrants', to imitate what the banking system does. They tried to use all of their arguments against the judge and it simply didn't work and they all ended up doing prison time.

What they are doing now is utilizing the current investigations going on in Congress about any corruption and illegal activities involved with the last election. Since there are supposed to be 1,800 sealed indictments and warrants, they are saying that this is proof of what they are claiming about the arrest of the evil doers, pedophiles, and banking conspirators will lead to justice in America. They also are trying to use this situation to claim that US military troops landed at the CIA headquarters to take over the CIA and stop the conspiracy coup against Trump. Since they base their ideas on sealed warrants and the fact that "the main stream media is not reporting on these things, (conveniently)", they can get away with making false statements of wild rumors, for a while. Their wish is that the globalist, wealthy elite bankers, etc, will all be rounded up as criminals by a Constitutionally obeying military and the nation will be saved, our national debt forgiven and the federal reserve dismantled and we are then put back on the gold standard. This is childish wishful thinking. The politicians and the conspirators that are in cahoots with them will not have that palm to the head moment and admit their guilt - and go quietly into the night as they give the nation back to us. That is pure fantasy thinking.

I am explaining all his to show the framework of their logic that created the rumor that "the marines landed in Langley and were there to defend Trump from a possible coup". It never happened like that. And any kind of military moves were standard procedures that were misinterpreted. People wanted to believe it, but the proof was missing. Once the story was sent out from a couple sources other fringe news sites picked it up and before long it had been repeated to millions of people. April LaJune's video alone received 238,000 views in a matter of hours. The Hal Turner radio show also reported on this, but he was stating that the marines converged on the CIA headquarters, while the other reports seemed to refer to Langley Air force base that was over 100 miles away. The Alex Jones Info Wars site also sent out the report from April LaJune. I did locate a couple other sources that seemed to verify the reports, even some with photos of the CIA headquarters gate being closed with "do not cross" tape spread out. Many of the researchers trying to verify the story aren't sure if these were photos taken from an earlier incident from a few years ago. There were also reports of eyewitnesses seeing the double rotor marine aircraft landing at Langley CIA headquarters, but no current photos. The terminology used by April LaJune and Hal Turner and others helped lend legitimacy to the story. And they stated that high level military sources, personal friends of theirs, saw these activities themselves. Those statements all helped to build a strong case of this being a legitimate event. But,here again we had no photos and no independent verifications. Since there was confusion on exactly where the troops landed, there couldn't be any easy or quick confirmation or denouncement of the story. So the story kept being spread out in its original form. The second video she sent out added additional information on another story about the shooting in Vegas - as she continued to say her first report of the marines landing in Langley was supposedly confirmed since there was no proof it wasn't true. So, the lack of proof became their logic that it was true, but being hid on purpose by the main stream media. etc. LOL. And so it goes, on and on, over and over again through the years. Always something happening in secret that we just can't quite see or find proof for what is going on behind the scenes. Then the dust settles after a few weeks and they build a case for the next mass arrest of the bad guys. That is the anatomy of non-existent war going on against the wealthy conspirators that actually does the patriot movement more harm than good. Avoid those people like the plague. A guy by the name of Fulford is another one that follows similar logic. He is an American that lives in Japan and is always bringing out the cases of secret societies having wars against each other and taking back the nations for the people and going back to the gold standard and eradicating national debts. And in every case over the years I have never seen one thing he has said come true. People like him and these fringe type of Constitutionalists always make predictions that never come true.

George Eaton


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