The second Messiah is here. He has been here for over 40 years. The secret and hidden wicked (paedophiles who rape babies) have known for decades and know that part of his mission is to defeat them. The wicked are organised to defeat him. They plan to frame him for paedophilia, take over the western world via a military coup and to force the Messiah to obtain the scientific knowledge of God so they can rule and defeat God and avoid hell. They are deluded and desperate (they have brain damage from being raped as babies). The good also know about the Messiah being here but they have been repressed by the wicked. The existence of the second Messiah on earth was revealed to a few when the Messiah was a child. The second Messiah is a scientist. Without full scientific knowledge the world is doomed. Man alone cannot uncover it, hence the Messiah was sent. He is the equivalent of God who uncovered the final scientific knowledge in his universe. GOD was genetically engineered by humanoids because they knew they could not get the final knowledge. Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul I were murdered by the wicked because of the existence of the second Messiah (both died of a heart attack from being poisoned). The wicked are deluded to think that they can have the equivalent of God as their slave. They are insolent to the point of absurdity. The second Messiah has produced science which has been rejected by man. Hence the angry of God is upon man. The existence of the second Messiah is part of a major cover up by the organised wicked. God laughs at the arrogance and insolence of the stupid and moronic wicked. Retribution is coming for them. The world has failed to understand the religious books which foretold the coming of the second Messiah. The increase in storms, hurricanes and earthquakes are a sign that the Messiah is here and man has failed him and wounded him and that the END TIMES is upon us. GOD IS COMING IN ANGER.