The Retribution on the Holy People, spoken of in the Book of Daniel, is approaching because your society wounded the Second Messiah who's identity was concealed from the majority of people. Note the crater (wound) on the forehead of the Messiah in his image on the moon. The guard that arrested the second Messiah, based on the lies of the wicked, was cloned and sent back in time to be crucified. His name is Jesus. If he had refused the punishment all man would have been thrown into the burning fires of Hell and the earth with them. Jesus is a Messiah of Shame, because this present generation spilt the blood of the covenant (the promised Messiah, son of David). The priest that rejected the second Messiah and handed him over to the guards and the wicked was also cloned and sent back in time and beheaded as an atonement for the sins of your heathen society. He was John the Baptist. But God's hand is still raised. Retribution follows if God decides to show no mercy. To wound the Messiah, who alone can save you, is certain death for all man. The second Messiah had to be concealed. He could not know who he really is or he would not have been successful in his scientific quest. He was foretold in the religious books but man was ignorant of them. God sent countless prophets to warn man of his coming but man did not listen. Modern society is without justice and truth and God. If it was the second Messiah would not have been wounded. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOU ALL because the second Messiah has none for you. He hates earthlings. You failed and objectively you deserve to burn eternally (your souls) in the expanding sun, which is Hell, and which the second Messiah was sent down to save you from. And your society wounded him. If he had not done things to protect himself he would have died at your hands, the hands of your society because you did not recognise him and because you cannot recognise liars and the wicked. Your society lacks justice and truth. And you rejected his science and cast him from the scientific community. His science alone is the way to salvation. And you hated and despised him and rejected him and put your negative views of him ahead of his science, ahead of knowledge and truth and the quest for the unknown and failed to recognise that his heart and soul is pure despite his sufferings. And you failed to deal with the wicked in society. WOE TO YOU INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH. FOR YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED AND FOUND WANTING.