Trying to figure out how to explain something amazing without it sounding like so much gobbledygook.
The prophetic 260-day count re-aligns with "our" 365.2422-day year, every 42.0 years, sometimes give or take one day. So for instance, the film "Poseidon Adventure" opened on Wednesday, December 12, 1972 and features a tsunami overturning a cruise liner. Forty-two years later is now, and the epic "Exodus: Gods and Kings" opened last night Friday night, December 12, 2014 and features a climactic tsunami near the ending (not giving anything away here, the biblical story of Moses describes a parting of the Red Sea and the tsunami-like conclusion of that parting). However, it is tonight, December 13-14, 2014 that is is the same in the 260-day cycle as Wednesday night December 12-13, 1972.
Tonight is also 260 days after the film "Noah" opened -- which also features a mother of all "tsunamis" engulfing the planet....
Tonight is also twice seven times 260 days after the largest tsunami/flooding disaster in recorded history took place, this one:
Today is also a "perfect" 364 times 260 days after the worst tsunami disaster in Europe's history, the November 1, 1755 Lisbon, Portugal earthquake and tsunami.
Following is the posting from last March 28 at 1:05 PM EST, unchanged except for the addition of a movie poster for "Exodus: God and Kings"....
"MAYACAL" = "Maya Calendar"
The original film "Poseidon Adventure" opened on Wednesday December 12, 1972, featuring an ocean liner toppled by a tsunami in the Mediterranean.
Exactly 11700 days later (= 45 times 260 days, the prophetic Maya/Aztec cycle alluded to in the biblical 1,260 days) occurred the worst flooding disaster in recorded history, arguably the worst since the mythological "Noah's Flood." It began in the evening of December 25, 2004, USA time.
As contributor "Consular" pointed out on earlier that day (see screengrab below) December 25, 2004 was exactly 91,000 days (350 times 260) since the worst earthquake and flooding/tsunami disaster to affect Europe in recorded history, the November 1, 1755 Lisbon, Portugal tsunami.
Today March 28, 2014 is 3380 days (13 times 260) since the 2004 Sumatra Tsunami, 15080 days (58 times 260) since "Poseidon Adventure" opened, and etcetera.
So-called Maya Calendrics help show the real connection between the collective and invidual unconscious ("dream state") and real life, and today's opening of the film "Noah" seems to be a good example of how so!
Oh, and one more thing....the December 2004 quake and tsunami off Sumatra was followed by another deadly quake and tsunami in the same region, a magnitude 8.6 earthquake on....March 28, 2005....nine "regular" years ago today:
From "Today in earthquake history" --
M8.6 - Indonesia, 2005
At least 1,000 people killed, 300 injured and 300 buildings destroyed on Nias; 100 people killed, many injured and several buildings damaged on Simeulue; 200 people killed in Kepulauan Banyak; 3 people killed, 40 injured and some damage in the Meulaboh area, Sumatra. A 3 meter tsunami damaged the port and airport on Simeulue. Tsunami runup heights as high as 2 meters were observed on the west coast of Nias and 1 meter at Singkil and Meulaboh, Sumatra. At least 10 people were killed during evacuation of the coast of Sri Lanka.
From Significant Earthquakes of the World 2005.