Uncle Joe's creepiness and bizarre behavior has been well photographed and commented upon.
The main question is, "Why are Dems so silent about it?"
Perhaps the apparent party of pedophilia has no problem with him.
Pedophiles are the worst slime on the face of Planet Earth and deserve no quarter for their abominations against helpless children.
The real nightmare would be that should Biden run in 2020 and get the nomination, how many clueless, useful idiots, and monied perverts would both finance and vote for him?
The following article is an example of one man brave enough to publicly confront Biden with the truth of his heinous actions.
"Security guards evict man for confronting Joe Biden about his pedophilia"
Posted by Dr. Eowyn
Last Tuesday, March 27, 2018, former VP Joe Biden spoke at the Tilles Center for the Performing Arts, Long Island University (LIU)...
A brave man in the audience stood up and confronted Biden, asking: