Restored Republic, via a GCR Update, as of May 31, Compiled by Judy Byington link: (posted on larrabee) this video and click on more info button underneath...This is part of the GRAND AWAKENING OF HUMANITY (to truth/light/gnosis)/Age of Aquarius(aka END TIMES/BIBLE PROPHECY...fallen angels vs. God/Christ/Yeshua).
FYI: To those who don't know...GCR/Global Currency suppose to be $funds4humanity (biblical-jubilee funds/set aside to repay humanity for all the funds/assets stolen by fallen angel Lucifer/and his co-horts (Illuminati). This was suppose to be given to humanity over 45 years ago, but has been intentionally withheld from humanity (because of PTB/PowersThatBe-DEEP STATE/ILLUMINATI (elite bankers/PTB/tarres in the bible-imposters/false light/fake 'satanic/luciferian' gods posing as authority). This includes Queen Elizabeth/fake blue blood/reptilian royalty, and ties to The Vatican/Pope (aka usurpers). ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME because The Vatican (Rome) claims to represent God/Christ on Earth....Nothing could be farther from the truth. Bible ref: "You will know them by their fruits" (meaning: behaviors...such as stealing; pedophile perversion; war-mongering: exporting Jesuit 'missionaries' spreading their ideology/beliefs...for the purpose of controlling, manipulating, taking over assets from 3rd world countries. RELIGION IS THE PROBLEM. It shapes minds/perceptions...creating 'your beliefs', which programs your thinking.
More info: GCR/Global Currency Reset $news, link here:
Mark: "Lets Manifest our Exchange and our Blessings" !!! (from Larrabee) videos.