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Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Wednesday, 25-July-2018 08:45:07

JULY 2018

​The situation in the Middle East is continuing to be tense and unpredictable. Trump has been operating on cruise control the past few months and getting a few domestic things accomplished while the left has been bashing him shamelessly on a daily basis. Trump has made good points with the meeting with the North Korean leader and then later with meeting Putin. Although​,​ nothing substantial was achieved in either meeting.

The situation in Syria is very tense as Syrian troops continue marching against terrorist strong holds and liberating town after town. In fact, in most cases the Syrian military has not even had to engage in military conflicts against the variety of terrorists - from ISIS to more Muslim factions that cannot be easily ​kept track of or pronounce their names​. The great majority of the terrorists have been financed and supported by Israel and the US​, this fact has been thoroughly proven by researchers for several years.

The amount of Christians that have been murdered by those terrorists the past many years is in the tens of thousands - and yet nothing has been done to stop the holocaust by Israel or the US, or any NATO nations. Nothing has been done by any US politician to stop that genocide. Nothing has been done by any US president to stop the carnage and murder. Men, women and children have been killed by the US and Israeli backed terrorists. How any Christian, or any US citizen that stands for good ethics and moral standards can turn a blind eye to this genocide is beyond comprehension. The governments that have taken part in those programs are corrupt and evil to the core. The politicians that have taken part in allowing that genocidal purge to take place are complicit and guilty of murder - as much as the terrorist themselves. If it wasn't for Russia and Putin the nation of Syria would have fallen several years ago. Putin saw the problem and came to their aid as any decent human being would do. Shame on the Israeli government for not doing the same. Shame on the United States for not doing the same and coming to the aid of a nation besieged by ruthless terrorists.

To this day the US still has American troops illegally based inside Syria occupying one third of the nation. US troops have on many occasions - along with Israel, killed hundreds if not thousands of Syrian troops. In recent days Israel shot down a Syrian military jet. But, the Syrian government has no aggressive goals against Israel or any of its neighbors. However, that reality is irrelevant to the Israeli and US government. They are continuing to carry on illegal, belligerent activities against Syria on a daily basis.

Our nation is being run by the military industrial complex that is hell bent on starting wars anywhere possible to achieve their agenda of wars for profit. I understand the world is a dangerous place, but stirring up more problems and conflicts is not the answer. I understand there are bad people out there that want to kill us, but helping terrorists to kill innocent people is not the answer. I understand that we live in a complex world and that the average citizen can't be aware and cognizant of all that is going on, but following the dictates of the international bankers towards a socialistic global government is not the answer. Our politicians have failed us, our presidents have failed us, our churches have failed us, our colleges have failed us, the United Nations has failed us, NATO has failed us, the Europeans have failed us, and only one nation stood their ground and came to the aid of a free nation and that was Russia. And how is Russia repaid by the US government and the press for their courageous and costly stand? They are vilified, demonized and embargoed, lied about and labeled as an enemy. That has been done by YOUR president - the one that was supposed to save the nation and make America great again. With friends like that who needs enemies?
When people tell me about the ​"​good" things Trump has done I shake my head, then stop for a minute and tell them that yes I am glad for the good things he has done. I am happy he has signed numerous Executive Orders to slim down red tape and bureaucracy for business​es​.

I am glad he continued to promote the wall on our Southern border. I am glad he has lowered some business taxes and helped free up some companies to be able to function. But the truth is, those actions are small in number in comparison to what he has not done and what he could have done. The truth is ​the ​
US Congress will not support any wholesale changes that would help our nation get back to a Constitutional government of liberty and freedom. Trump and Congress instead is working hand in hand to support terrorists, increase the national debt and involve our military in more foreign wars. Creating a killing machine to pump up the economy is not supporting family values and the Constitution.

When Obama was president he unethically skewed the employment records to make it look like he lowered the unemployment rates. He had his bean counters remove thousands each month from the list​,​that gave up looking for work, to create deceptive numbers to make hi​m​s​elf look​ successful​.

When Trump was elected he followed THE SAME PROCESS to make him look good. That is blatantly unethical and corrupt. I don't care how pretty his hair is, how rich he is, or how many dreamy things he promised us to get elected - Trump is deceiving the nation and supporting corruption ​i​
n government. And that is not the worst of it. The fact that he is following Israel's lead in supporting terrorists that kill innocent people is beyond the pale. Trumps actions in support of criminal activities are inexcusable. Trump personally ordered military strikes against Syria on proven false charges and continues to brag about his boldness to take actions. In short, Trump is doing what the globalist want him to do, he is their guy. Any conservative talk show host or talking heads in the media that brag that Trump is great are 100% wrong and are deceiving this nation. Just because we ​survived two terms of ​
one socialist president does not mean that the other party would turn the tide and take the nation back on course. Both parties are in the hip pocket of the globalists and do exactly what they are told to do.
While the politicians are playing games with human lives the other super powers are secretly getting together to discuss how to defend against this New World Order march against them. Don't get me wrong, I am not supportive of rogue nations that have their own variety of cruel regimes and support their own brand of terrorism. I am only stating the facts as I see them. The truth is the remaining nations that are trying to remain independent are discussing how they can defend themselves against NATO and the US onslaught.​ And this is putting us in danger.​
They realize that if one nation at a time is taken down that the last one or two standing will have no power to resist the final takeover. It is a foregone conclusion that the globalists want to form a one world government and eliminate any independent and rebellious nations - so they can achieve a form of "peace" they lust after. Russia, China, North Korea and Iran to name a few, have had secret meetings the past few months discussing this very issue. It is obvious they believe that if they are taken down one nation at a time it is only a matter of time until every single one of them will be destroyed or have to capitulate. The only answer they can arrive at to prevent that outcome is to join forces sooner rather than later. They have concluded that together they are more powerful and stand a chance to survive. Separately they are weaker and will be taken down one nation at a time. What do you think they will decide to do? Think it through. Do you really think North Korea will give up its nuclear weapons? The answer is no. Will China give up the Spratley islands? No. Will Iran surrender to Israel and the US? No. Will Russia surrender to NATO and the US and give up its oil and gas reserves? No. All of th​e​se logical conclusions point to an eventual conflict. Which means our cities will be targets, and our citizens and our troops will become victims of that military conflict. And if that happens during Trump's regime, who will be responsible for those deaths? You guessed it, Daddy Warbucks and his banking buddies incorporated. But hey, look on the bright side​,​at least Trump made lots of rousing speeches and signed some Executive Orders. Surely that must be a justifiable sacrifice for starting World War Three and putting at risk millions of lives. Not.

George Eaton

I finally started publishing my books and have the first book called "Project Genocide" arriving from the printer within days. This is a fiction story based on some real events and possibilities. A group of men in the Northwest see a black helicopter placing a nuclear bomb in a volcano crater and have to flee for their lives from an unknown enemy. They discover a conspiracy by the globalists to explode volcanoes world wide and try to stop global warming. But the real agenda was to create famines and depopulate the earth. It is in paper back form, 200 pages, based on pro-American patriotism. I have 5 more books ready to go when I can afford the printing. But since I am retired and on a small fixed income I can only afford to print them when I have the extra money. This book is $15 postage paid. If requested I will give 6 months free subscription added to your account with each purchase.

Order from: George Eaton, P.O. Box 127, Ponderay, ID. 83852


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