Well, not up on top but in a high valley between two peaks. It was hot but so is Missouri. At night the mist always came down and it was cold by morning. I can remember my grandma turning on the heater in July.. That or baking breakfast things to warm up the house.
What do you mean you totaled yourself with Southern Pacific??
PS We used to make fun of the accents, big time, when we'd visit from St Louis.. They spoke so sloooooowwwww.. Now, I find my cousins accents endearing but yeah, when I was young it was funny..
And I didn't grow up in that house. Spent one summer there,
: then tried to move there with said incubator; but it didn't
: work and after 4 months I came back to calipornia. The only
: thing good that came out of that was the walks in the
: mostly pine forests in back of the place, and becoming a
: damn good diver who could do ariels both forward and
: backward; being how much time I spent at swimming pools due
: to the horrid heat and mugginess. Of course I lost the
: diving ability after I totalled myself with Southern
: Pacific, but hey! I was good for a few months.
: I must admit, I didn't really like NC due to the weather; not
: to mention the accent drove me nuts. But hey! My stay there
: helped me with the Igleson Snortworth character.