Greetings Lancifer, Hobie and All,
After reading Lancifer's recent posts, I decided to look up Donald Ewen Cameron, who had been involved with MKultra at the Allen Memorial in Montreal. I found this on his wikipedia page. I wonder if the opposite of prevention could have been the ultimate goal of these studies.
I mention Hobie's post about Saharasia, because to me it is clear that there is a connection between the studies in Saharasia, MKUltra, ponerology, and the "contagion" of mental illness.
It seems that we have all the pieces coming together as the problem is recognized ... and yes, I've ordered a copy of Saharasia even though I haven't had the time to take a good look at my beautiful copy of The Intelligent Design of Creation yet! Slowly, slowly ...
"Mental illness as a social contagion[edit]
Although society had established sanctions against the spread of infectious diseases, Cameron wanted to extend the concept of contagion to chronic anxiety. He warned that people with mental illnesses could spread and transmit their diseases. He warned that government institutions should take measures against such potential liabilities. Cameron began to base some of his notions on race, as is seen in his theories regarding the German people.
"In the late 1940s, Cameron presented his ideas in a lecture entitled Dangerous Men and Women. It describes various personalities that he believed were of marked danger to all members of society. The personality types are as follows:
"A passive man who "is afraid to say what he really thinks" and "will stand anything, and stands for nothing". "[H]e was born in Munich, he is the eternal compromiser and his spiritual food is appeasement".[19]
A possessive type, filled with jealousy and demanding utmost loyalty. This personality type poses a danger to those closest to them, especially children.
The insecure man — "They are the driven crowds that makes the army of the authoritarian overlord; they are the stuffing of conservatism ... mediocrity is their god. They fear the stranger, they fear the new idea; they are afraid to live, and scared to die." This third type needs conformity and obeys the dictates of society, adhering to a world of strict standards of right or wrong (which are manipulated by power groups to keep the insecure controlled and dependent). Cameron theorized that this type is dangerous because of its "lust for authority".[19]
The last type is the psychopath, the greatest danger in times of political and societal upheaval; this Cameron labeled "the Gestapo".
Cameron believed that a society in which psychiatry built and developed the institutions of government, schools, prisons and hospitals would be one in which science triumphed over the "sick" members of society. He demanded that political systems be watched, and that German people needed to be monitored due to their "personality type", which he claimed results in the conditions that give rise to the dictatorial power of an authoritarian overlord.
"Cameron stated, "Get it understood how dangerous these damaged, sick personalities are to ourselves – and above all, to our children, whose traits are taking form and we shall find ways to put an end to them." He spoke about Germans, but also to the larger portion of the society that resembled or associated with such traits. For Cameron, the traits were contagions and anyone affected by the societal, cultural or personality forms would themselves be infected. Cameron used his ideas to implement policies on who should govern and/or parent in society. The described types would have to be eliminated from society if there was to be peace and progress. The sick were, for Cameron, the viral infection to its stability and health. The described types were the enemies of society and life. Experts must develop methods of forcefully changing attitudes and beliefs to prevent the authoritarian overlord.[19]"
I'm adding the link below which gives some of the background on MKUltra/CIA experiments in Canada. The related video clip is no longer available (?!), the text is still there.
All the best to Lancifer and his family.