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Mandela effect.

Posted By: Mike
Date: Sunday, 30-December-2018 23:33:43

Been looking at this Mandela effect thing. There seems to be a rational explanation for this phenomenon.

Let's look at data overwrite. If you impart energy to only one electron in an atom that electron orbit will change state without affecting the entire atom, provided you don't inject enough energy to make the electron jump to the next natural orbit. This electron possesses a slightly increased orbital inertial value (energy has mass)which is a form of new data. If the total energy in this system remains the same then the new data will stabilize.

If we scale this operation up to the size of a solar system the result is the same. There is evidence that the diameter of the Earth's orbit was increased by about one million miles approximately twenty seven hundred years ago. If this is in fact true then this is an increase in the Earth's orbital energetic value which is a change in data. If one postulates that the Earth is a complex harmonic system involving everything that concerns the planet then there arises the possibility that the Earth is being, literally, reprogrammed.

The harmonic information present in the Earth would be in a constantly changing phase relationship with energy states of the sun and the other planets, with energy driving the harmonics. The result would be some degree of discontinuity in reality with some differences being easily perceived and some not easily perceived. The easily perceived can be found if you search “Mandela effects list”.

After some period of cosmic time a new harmonic balance would be achieved in the overall system. The new balance could be a natural settling or it could be intentionally structured.

The less easily noticed effects are more ominous and there appears to be an intentional factor contributing to these effects. This factor appears to be magic and sorcery, apart from superstition.

Ma-gic is simply the ma-nagement of things that currently exist and it is nothing more than that. Some things that exist include materials at all levels and sub-levels, time/distance, energy of various types, thoughts and some other similar things.

Magic is not inherently good or evil, the claims of competing technological and “spiritual” interests not withstanding. The good or evil is in the why of the use, just like anything else.

Magic is not sorcery. These are entirely different operations. Sorcery or sourcing is bringing into existence something which does not yet exist. After that the thing is ma-naged.

Ma-gic/ma-nagment and sorcery/sourcing. Two different things.

Everyone uses magic and sourcing everyday whether they know it or not or don't want to know it. No exceptions. Wish, desire, need, want, will, imagining, pursuit of this and that, love, hate, indifference and more. Any type of internal tension (intention) of any degree yields some external effect on reality. Can't get around it.

With all of that said, let's look at Mandela effect on history.

It would seem that few things are more confounded than history. In a nutshell it comes down to events and dates. Times of occurrence for discrete events are becoming unclear with dates tending to move farther back in time or closer or even both. It seems that the content of events is being selectively changed with information being added, subtracted or rearranged. Hypothesis and lies being presented as fact for times and events for which we have little to no data.

The people at newearth have produced some pretty good videos on the subject at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJk0yT4erxuRcCMBujshjWZ-KNAHAWCx6 . But even without the videos, when you look at history it is impossible to not notice the inconsistencies, especially if you go back more than a few hundred years.

All of the manifestations of the Mandela effect, large or small and from this presenting moment to back in time as far as you can see, have something in common. That something is writing. Writing can be oral tradition or it can be physical impressions on some medium or other methods. Any way it's done it's writing and writing is spelling. Spelling is intentional pronouncement or denouncement of something past, presenting or future. It amounts to intentional structuring.

If two harmonics (time lines) are coexisting and the original is being overwritten (denounced) while the new harmonic is being structured into existence (pronounced) then spelling (spells) is involved.

Natural spelling (settling) would be the general population establishing cultures, boundaries, economies and such through the aforementioned day to day magic and sourcings by which we naturally exist. Sort of an unconscious, democratic structuring effort to get along and do well with the results being apart from and above the food chain of basic nature. Actual civilization. Some type of god or other mediating entity can be constructed or employed if desired, but it's not necessary.

Unnatural structuring would be to attempt control over the natural and essentially decent human population through magic and sourcing. Not the types that you see on social media or read about in easily attained books, but by sourcing and magic as practiced by corporations and religions and certain other organizations. This is serious authority and resulting power based on dark intention and able to change the course of a planet in terms of population and even in terms of solar relationships.

What makes any magic or sourcing work is belief. Belief is not well understood. Belief is a subtle form of personal authorization. It is an exercise of authority. The authority inherent in the individual is on scale of phenomenal though few seem to grasp that because the population has been taught to believe otherwise. The population has been conditioned to de-authorize it's own self and delegate that authority to another who's plans may not align with the best interests of the population.

When this magnitude of authority is multiplied by billions of individuals and captured into covert spells the result is power (force/energy authorized into motion) to structure the past, presenting and the future without consideration of the population.

There is evidence that what is now called supernatural was the common way of life on this Earth before science and religion other nefarious. Technology and “science” call it fantasy. Religions call it damnation or some other scary thing. Strong efforts are made to steer the population away from “superstitions” of sourcing and magic. Looks like a clue.


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