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Same 666, different angle.

Posted By: Mike
Date: Friday, 4-January-2019 19:56:50

In general, the original texts of old writings are not common these days. Without unbiased third party verification it's impossible to say if an “original” is real or not. Copies are even less certain, especially if you can't see a verified original or it doesn't exist. We are forced to extrapolate from what is available without presumption that any of it is concrete, provable fact. I can see no legitimate reason why any old writing should be elevated to superiority over any other.

Below is an excerpt from https://archive.org/stream/LegendsOfTheFireSpirits/Legends-of-the-Fire-Spirits-Jinn-and-Genies-from-Arabia-to-Zanzibar_djvu.txt . It encompasses lore from the Christian, Islamic and other faiths as well as lore independent of faiths. Some lore predates both Christendom and Islam. The article is about three hundred pages, well written, very interesting and has good documentation.

This excerpt is presented for context. The very last sentence is the focus.

Another jinn-related figure that surfaces in the Solomonic legends
is Lilith, the putative mother of the jinn. The Testament of Solomon,
a pseudepigraphical work ascribed to King Solomon but written in
Greek between the first and fifth centuries AD, relates an encoun¬
ter between Solomon and Lilith. In the Testament, Lilith calls herself
‘Obizuth’, 65 another name of that well-known ancient female demon of

the Middle East that was blamed for miscarriages and infant mortality.
The Testament of Solomon, which is believed to be a Christian text, is
said to be based on Judaeo-Hellenistic magic, such as was practised in
Alexandria in the early Christian era, and contains the earliest known
example of the use of an amulet to ward off Lilith. Solomon, in this
text, receives his magical ring, the Seal of Solomon, from the arch¬
angel Michael (other traditions say Jibril/Gabriel), and he proceeds
to summon and conquer a variety of demons from Greek, Arabic,
Jewish, Christian and other traditions. The work shows how different


religions, magical traditions and legends were closely intertwined in
the Mediterranean region of the first to fifth centuries.

The relevant passage begins as follows: ‘And I [King Solomon]
adored the Lord God of Israel and bade another demon present him¬
self. And there came before me a spirit in woman’s form that had a
head without any limbs, and her hair was dishevelled. And 1 said to her,
“Who art thou?” But she answered, “Nay, who art thou? And why dost
thou want to hear concerning me? But as thou wouldst learn, here I
stand before thy face. Go then into thy royal storehouses and wash thy
hands. Then sit down afresh before thy tribunal and ask me questions,
and thou shalt learn, O king, who I am.” ’

Solomon did as she asked, so that he might learn of her deeds,
understand them and share them with others. He sat down and said
to the demon, ‘Who are thou?’ Lilith replied, T am called among
men Obizuth, and by night 1 sleep not, but go my rounds over all the
world and visit women in childbirth. And divining the hour 1 take
my stand, and if 1 am lucky 1 strangle the child. But if not, I retire
to another place, for 1 cannot a single night retire unsuccessful. For
1 am a fierce spirit of myriad names and many shapes. And now
hither, now thither, I roam. And to westering parts 1 go my rounds.
But as it now is, though thou hast sealed me round with the ring
of God, thou has done nothing. 1 am not standing before thee, and
thou wilt not be able to command me. For 1 have no work other
than the destruction of children and the making of their ears to be
deaf, and the working of evil to their eyes, and the binding their
mouths with a bond, and the ruin of their minds, and paining of
their bodies.’ 66

Solomon listened and marvelled at her appearance. Her body was
entirely cloaked in darkness and her limbs invisible, but he could see
her eyes, ‘altogether bright and cheery’, and her hair was ‘tossed wildly
like a dragon’s’. Her voice was very clear.

‘Tell me by what angel thou are frustrated, O Evil Spirit?’ Solomon
said, seeking to outwit her by identifying her nemesis. ‘By the angel
of God called Afarof’, she replied, ‘which is interpreted Raphael, by
whom I am frustrated now and for all time. His name, if any man know
it, and write the same on a woman in childbirth, then I shall not be able
to enter her. Of this name the number is 640.’


I find it rather interesting that the number of Raphael's name is 640. It gives the sense of an I.D. number.

When browsing the above cited link and other information some intriguing bits show themselves.

Adamic man (present day hu-man) usually refers to itself as man or men. Occasionally Jann will be referred to as man or men, and Jann will sometimes refer to themselves as man or men.

While angels and Jann are almost always defined as different items there a few instances where the distinction is not clear, as if they are two aspects of one thing. To illustrate, soldiers and civilians are one thing in essence. When a civilian is indoctrinated/”illuminated” through military training and conditioning it could be stated in creative language that the resulting soldier was “made from/of” light, so to speak. If the “illumination”/training/conditioning was effective this soldier would follow orders without feelings, question or regard for moral issues. These are hallmarks of angel. On the other hand an “unilluminated”/untrained/unconditioned civilian could be creatively described as emotion based or “made from/of” flameless (emotional) fire. In this light the difference between angel and Jann would depend on who is defining them.

If one adds I.D. number plus man/Jan then 666 might not be the designation of a hu-man. It would seem to point to angel. There may be unseen politics in motion beneath the surface of the larger corporate/religious/government sea.


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