Would it be possible to jump this one forward,so that the folks that are reading this set,get a chance to see it,as I know we do not get as much traffic as the front page.I posted this very late last night.Thank you very much for all you do, to keep this motor purring...
: This is # 3 of 7 Papers by The Voice of Truth,who was in Rome
: in October of 2013,the Papers are a running narrative, and
: it appears to this reader so far,that The Voice of Truth
: has caught this Pope, in some deep dark workings concerning
: the truth about the Catholic Church.After finishing this
: one,I have to say this person is big time awake....
: The Kidnapping of the Red Heart
: [....It is clear that our heart has a great potential still to
: be activated, as I detail at the end of the article and
: that there are few people who use it satisfactorily.
: However, instead of looking inward and looking at
: ourselves, we seem to prefer to be aware of many other
: hearts, from those of the Valentine's cake to those pierced
: by swords and flames like those of the Sacred Heart of
: Jesus or of the Virgin We act the other way around, and
: that is why this report is written from Rome, the city
: where everything is upside down. Here where we will find
: the codes 666, with the works of black magic that contain
: the relics, with contactees and inquisitors, and even with
: witchcraft practitioners ...
: The Voice of Truth speaks softly to make sure that who wants
: to hear it, wants to hear it.
: In Rome everything is upside down....]
: https://exploringrealhistory.blogspot.com/2019/01/the-kidnapping-of-red-heart.html