Continuing with Pandora's Box and those railroads,throw in the taking of our farmland, a plot to starve us,sprinkle it with Mercury poisoning,wash it down with some fluoridated water,to take the bad taste of aborted babies and parts out of your mouth,and you got the content of this part...
[....However, there is a large segment of our population, some estimated as many as 75%, that have a source of mercury implanted in their body. That source of chronic mercury vapor exposure is silver/mercury dental fillings (also called amalgam fillings). As long as you have silver/mercury dental fillings you will be inhaling mercury vapor 24 hours a day. 365 days a year. In fact, some of the world's leading experts on mercury toxicology have recently concluded that the release of mercury from dental amalgams is a major contributor to mercury body burden in humans. This decision precipitated including, for the first time in any recognized toxicology text, a chapter on the predicted intake of mercury vapor from amalgam dental fillings. The following six conclusions about the release of mercury from amalgam fillings:
1. The evidence indicates that amalgam surfaces release mercury vapor into the mouth.
2. The rate of release is increased by stressing the amalgam surface by chewing and brushing.
3. The surface layer does not immediately repair after stress and that it may take several hours to completely restore the surface layer. The surface of the filling is stimulated by chewing, brushing,etc., it starts releasing increased amounts of mercury vapor and that it may take several hours before the release rate is reduced back to the static or unstimulated value.
4. The release of mercury from amalgam results in the deposition of mercury in body tissue and an increase in urinary excretion.
5. The estimated release rates from amalgam appear to be consistent with levels of mercury found in autopsy tissue in the general population and with increases in brain and urinary levels due to amalgam fillings.
6. The release of mercury from dental amalgams makes the predominant contribution to human exposure to inorganic mercury including mercury vapor in the general population.
As a direct result of the above conclusions, it is understood that the World Health Organization criteria documents that establish exposure limits for mercury are being rewritten to also include chapters dealing with the mercury exposure attributable to amalgam dental fillings.
Hopefully, the "WHO" documents will also address the increased release of mercury vapor that results when gold and amalgam are present in the mouth. Often amalgam cores are used under gold crowns or gold bridges arc placed directly on amalgam filled teeth. A dark discoloration of the tooth and adjacent gum tissue is sometimes visible indicting migration of amalgam components. One exposed amalgam filling in direct contact with gold can sometimes evaporate more mercury than all other amalgam fillings together. If gold is placed on top of amalgam, mercury will migrate and the tissues surrounding the tooth can have extremely high levels of mercury.
If you have silver/mercury dental fillings your biochemical individuality, diet and lifestyle assume much greater importance. These factors provide the rationale of why some people with amalgam fillings cope with the extra daily intake of mercury vapor and why some people don't. It is in the "don'ts: where signs and symptoms of mercury toxicity resulting from an inability to cope with the additional chronic intake of mercury vapor from dental fillings begins to appear. In other words, their bodies are no longer capable of biochemically detoxifying the added burden of mercury.
Some of the signs and symptoms of mercury poisoning are: nerve disorders, destruction of all body organs, brake down of immune system, the mercury vapor can bind with certain vital proteins, which it then deactivates, lack of appetite, lethargy, inability to gain restful sleep, body pains, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and in general you just feel terrible or even cancer. Would you eat mercury on purpose? If you have amalgam fillings then that is what you are doing.
The natural question that follows of course is what can I do about It or What can I do to help reduce or minimize the effects of chronic exposure to mercury vapor? If you were asking those questions of a toxicologist, the 1st course of action recommended would be to eliminate the source of exposure and the 2nd course of action would be to therapeutically attempt to reduce the body burden of mercury.
In the situation we are addressing the source of mercury that would have to be eliminated is the silver/mercury dental fillings. However, and unfortunately for many people, this becomes a purely financial decision.
This short piece of information about mercury poisoning is only the beginning of many, many more examples that could be laid out for your viewing of how the ones in control have perpetuated the education of all the masses in ignorance about everything that your shouldn't be doing for your mind, body and spirit....]