Coming up to the conclusion of Alex Christopher's Pandora's Box.Looks like two more parts to put this one back up on the shelf.This entry includes a hodgepodge of subjects from aliens to a few corporate entities,to underground bases,etc...
[....We need to understand in simple words that what Einstein had discovered was all "mass" is nothing more than coagulated thought and light. Nothing exists in this universe without the application of thought. Someone or something has to create everything first with the thought to design it. Also all existing mass "things" even people, animals etc. are a coagulation of energy (thought). Everything is made up of elements from the atomic table and that is most definitely "energy", and energy is most definitely "light". Are you with me so far? If you don't believe this, you will find pictures of Kirlian Photography. This is a special type of photography that photographs the "energy" or "light field" that is around matter in different degrees and all living things have very active and ever changing light fields of all colors. All colors, not just blue or green or red. but all colors. Why is that you ask? Because different colors of the spectrum, are different frequencies of energy all the way from Hertizan to Gamma Ray and beyond. Colors also represent different levels of vibration or density that are also related to electromagnetic fields, or frequency. As you can see. each color is related to a radio or energy frequencies. Refer to the Chapter on the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project.
Now in simple terms, what Einstein found out was that by unifying the fields you can take mass, coagulated thought or light energy which could be anything, and accelerate the electromagnetic field or the set light frequency that the object exists in, accelerate it by adding more electric energy to it, and by speeding up the magnetic fields that exist around the object you take it into another light frequency or density. Say you took a rabbit and placed it between electromagnetic fields and accelerate the rabbits elector-magnetic fields, the rabbit would first turn a glowing blue and would look like a hologram and chances are if you tried to touch the rabbit your hand would quite simply just pass through it. Next the rabbit would become a bright light and then it would just disappear. Where did it go? The rabbit is still where it was if it didn't hop away. Why can't you see it? Because it is in another level of light, energy frequency or density, of existence in another dimensional level now. What happens if you turn off the electromagnetic accelerator? The process is reversed and your rabbit comes back. I know that right about now most of you are thinking this is garbage, but that fact of the matter is that it is true.
Now a little about the different levels of energy or colored light. As it relates to mankind on this planet most every person on the planet earth vibrates at a set frequency. For simplicity, let us say that there are only seven different levels of vibration on this earth plane. Each one of these levels of vibration is called a dimensional level. And all mankind exists in the third dimensional level on earth. For the human, these different levels also relate to the human body and the endocrine system of the body. For those of you that don't know what the endocrine glands are, they are ductless glands and they secrete their products into the blood. The secretions of endocrine glands are always hormone, chemicals that regulate various physiological activities. The glands that this system consists of are the Ovaries or Testes in female or male, pancreas, adrenal glands, thymus gland, thyroid gland, pituitary gland and the pineal gland. Each one of these glands in the body relate to what level of dimensional reality a person functions in. Most humans on the earth at this time are unfortunately locked into a reality of unawareness as to who and what they really are and that is because the few in control of everything have worked for centuries to keep mankind unaware so that they can put yokes around your neck and keep you as uneducated and unaware as possible as to what the truth about you really is. It is all part of a bigger plan! This way they can control and dominate you.
Each one of the endocrine glands have an energetic level and the sexual glands are the most powerful because they have lots of energy "power" to create new life, the sexual glands relate to level number one in a reality and we will call them "procreation and survival", then you have pancreas and adrenal glands and these are levels two and three, and we will relate these to "Pain and Power" or "Victim and Controller". Reproduction, power and pain, these are levels one, two and three. The third density or dimensional level is were most everyone lives today. The people of this planet are very socially caught up in their little boxes or their image of who they think they are; be it doctor, lawyer or Indian chief. This is also refereed to as a social consciousness level number three.
The planet earth is now in the process of taking its vibrational frequency into a higher level of density, which will accelerate everything on this planet into what is called forth density or the fourth dimensional reality. This well be accomplished in parallel with the earth changes, but it is a process that has already begun on this planet....]